Williamsfield Community Unit School District Board of Education Facilities Committee met Sept. 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Meeting call to order by committee Chair - Lisa Hanson
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Opportunity for public comment
5. Review and discuss current building projects
6. Review and discuss 10-year Health Life Safety project progress
7. Review and discuss upcoming grant funding opportunities
a. ISBE Maintenance Grant
b. Safe Routes to School Grant
8. Review, discuss, and prioritize 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan
9. Discussion and action on recommendations to the BOE
a. Potential Health Life Safety amendments
b. Potential Maintenance Grant approval
c. Potential Safe Routes to School Grant approval
d. Potential inclusion of building projects in ESSR II or III applications
e. Potential continuation of Capital Improvement Plan as presented
10. Motion to adjourn