
Galesburg Reporter

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Abingdon-Avon Community Unit School District 276 Board of Education met June 16


Abingdon-Avon Community Unit School District 276 Board of Education met June 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. with Hess presiding. The following members were present: Brooks, Quinn, Thurman, Craver, Serven, Mason, and Hess. 

A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mr. Mason to approve the Agenda. Roll call: Mason, yea; Brooks, yea; Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; Craver, yea; Serven, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Serven and seconded by Mr. Thurman to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll call: Serven, yea; Mason, yea; Brooks, yea; Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; Craver, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

Principals Andrews, Anderson and Weedman presented their monthly building-level Principal Reports. 

Superintendent Curry presented the monthly Superintendent Report and discussed the following: 

5.1 Financial Update 

5.2 Recognitions and Congratulations 

5.3 Coronavirus Update – Dr. Curry shared a recent IDPH/ISBE FAQ and discussed the potential for a free in-house COVID-19 testing program. More information will be shared as it becomes available. 

5.4 District Facilities Planning 

5.4.1 Pre-K Addition/Change Order – Dr. Curry recommended replacing the entire East playground surface at HGS. The time is right and the labor will already be on-site. 

5.4.2 High School Secure Entrance – Dr. Curry noted the current progress. 

5.4.3 AES Parking Lot - - Dr. Curry and the architect noted that the work has been started. He also noted that the opportunity to replace the entire sidewalk at AES should not be missed. The maintenance director concurred.

5.4.4 AAMS Roof Update – Dr. Curry noted that the project will be pushed back until early July due to a nation-wide shortage of roofing insulation. 

5.4.5 Track Update – Dr. Curry and the architect noted that the late end to the IHSA track season has put many track contractors into a bind and made time and cost the enemy of the current plan. The architect recommended going to bid in the Fall for Spring Construction. 

5.4.6 Modular at Hedding Grade School - Dr. Curry shared timeline updates. The Modulars will be on-site early July. Set-in place in late July. 

5.4.7 Attendance Center - Dr. Curry and the architect answered Board questions regarding misleading and nonfactual comments regarding the structural soundness of all the buildings in the district. The Architect referenced a report that was shared with the district in 2018 regarding the effects of deferred maintenance on the AAMS building. Additionally he noted that the Southern portion of AAMS was in near disrepair. Repairs would cost upwards of $2,000,000. Plus additional costs for an ADA elevator and a new boiler. The Architect was given the go ahead to schedule a structural review of AAMS and HGS. The architect ended the discussion noting that AES, HGS, and AAHS are all solid buildings and in better overall shape than the Southern sections of AAMS. 

5.5 New Mower - Dr. Curry noted Mr. Steele's request to replace one of our aging mowers with a new 60 inch mower. 

5.6 IASB Goal Setting - Dr. Curry and the Board are looking to December to re-engage with this process. 

5.7 IASB Joint Annual Conference - Dr. Curry asked if any members were intending to attend the Joint Annual Conference. 

5.8 Full-time Substitutes - Dr. Curry noted the anticipated cost of over $108,000 for three full-time subs. 

5.9 Daily Substitute Rate $105 per day - Dr. Curry recommended moving to $105/day for sub pay. 

5.10 Insurance Information - Dr. Curry shared the renewal documents with the Board. 

5.11 Bus Lease - Dr. Curry reminded the Board of the need for an activity bus. 

5.12 Bid Update - Dr. Curry shared that he was able to publish three bids this week: Air Ionization District-wide, Bleacher Seat Replacement, and New Work Truck. 

A motion was made by Mr. Craver and seconded by Mr. Mason to go into Executive Session at 8:29 p.m. Roll call: Craver, yea; Serven, yea; Mason, yea; Brooks, yea; Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Mason and seconded by Mr. Quinn to return to Open Session at 9:28 p.m. Roll call: Thurman, yea; Craver, yea; Serven, yea; Mason, yea; Brooks, yea; Quinn, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mr. Mason to approve the June 2021 Personnel Report. Roll call: Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; Craver, yea; Serven, yea; Mason, yea; Brooks, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Craver and seconded by Mr. Hess to approve the Lease of Midwest Bus Sales Activity Bus. Roll call: Brooks, yea; Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; Craver, yea; Serven, yea; Mason, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Thurman and seconded by Mr. Quinn to approve the ICRMT Insurance Program Renewal. Roll call: Mason, yea; Brooks, yea; Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; Craver, yea; Serven, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

notion was made by Mr. Mason and seconded by Mr. Thurman to approve the Amended FY 21 Budget. Roll call: Serven, yea; Mason, yea; Brooks, yea; Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; Craver, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Hess and seconded by Mr. Thurman to approve the Purchase of a New Mower as Presented. Roll call: Craver, present; Serven, yea; Mason, yea; Brooks, yea; Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mr. Craver to approve the 2021-2022 Substitute Daily Rate Increase $105. Roll call: Thurman, yea; Craver, yea; Serven, yea; Mason, yea; Brooks, present; Quinn, yea, and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mr. Thurman to approve the Hedding Grade School PreK Project Expansion of New Concrete Playground Change Request. Roll call: Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; Craver, yea; Serven, yea; Mason, yea; Brooks, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Mason and seconded by Mr. Quinn to approve the Relocation of Avon Elementary Grades 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th to Hedding Grade School Building beginning Fall of 2021. Roll call: Brooks, nay; Quinn, yea; Thurman, yea; Craver, nay; Serven, nay; Mason, yea; and Hess, yea. Motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mr. Mason to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.
