United Board of Education Met May 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
CALL TO ORDER The special meeting of the United Board of Education was called to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll was called and answered by: Dana
Poole, Joel Johnson, Jill Jenks, Craig Allaman, Danny Toops, Amelia Tierney and Hank Shimmin. Also in attendance were: Jeff Whitsitt, Chris Schwarz, Amy Schmitz,
AGENDA Joel Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda as amended with a second by Jill Jenks. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Jill Jenks, Joel Johnson, Craig Allaman, Dan Toops, Amelia Tierney and Hank Shimmin. Nay – none.
CLOSED SESSION At 4:04 pm Joel Johnson made a motion to enter into closed session to consider student discipline with the approval of any action as a result of executive session, with intent to return to open session A second was made by Jill Jenks. Roll Call: Aye – Voice Vote 7 Nay – none.
OPEN SESSION Return to open session at 7:00 p.m.
Result of Closed Session
Motion 1 Made by Amelia Tierney, seconded by Joel Johnson
I move that the Board of Education expel Student No.616574396 for the remainder of the 20-21 school year, but that the expulsion be held in abeyance and Student No.616574396 be required to complete a documented diversity training prior to return to school in August. Also, student 616574396 will be obligated to regular counseling at UHS scheduled and directed by district administration. Student No. 616574396 has had access to all of the student services through his time in high school.
Removing Student No. 616574396 from the immediate learning environment is in the best interest of the school because of the adverse effect on the school environment. Painting “Nigger”on a school project and sending it through social media interfered with, disrupted, or adversely affected the school environment. The expulsion period of the remainder of the year is appropriate based upon the seriousness of the incident and the level of disruption to the school and community.
The expulsion being held in abeyance is contingent upon the student’s full participation in the diversity training and school counseling programs, including regularly attending school; complying with attendance policies, school rules, and any referrals for services or counseling made by the school; and successfully completing the diversity program’s curriculum.
Motion 2 - Made by Amelia Tierney, seconded by Joel Johnson
I move that the Board of Education expel Student No.251185184 for the remainder of the 20-21 school year, but that the expulsion be held in abeyance and Student No.251185184 be required to complete a documented diversity training prior to return to school in August. Also, student 251185184 will be obligated to regular counseling at UHS scheduled and directed by district administration. Student No. 616574396 has had access to all of the student services through his time in high school.
Removing Student No. 251185184 from the immediate learning environment is in the best interest of the school because of the adverse effect on the school environment. Painting “Nigger”on a school project and sending it through social media interfered with, disrupted, or adversely affected the school environment. The expulsion period of the remainder of the year is appropriate based upon the seriousness of the incident and the level of disruption to the school and community.
The expulsion being held in abeyance is contingent upon the student’s full participation in the diversity training and school counseling programs, including regularly attending school; complying with attendance policies, school rules, and any referrals for services or counseling made by the school; and successfully completing the diversity program’s curriculum.
Adjourn Joel Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 p.m. Craig Allaman seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Dan Toops, Hank Shimmin, Craig Allaman, Jill Jenks, Amelia Tierney and Joel Johnson.. Nay – none.