
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Monmouth City Council Met November 16

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City of Monmouth City Council met Nov. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Rod Davies called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 East Broadway at 6:00 p.m. and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He announced that Item C. Sale of City Owned Property is being removed from the Agenda for consideration at a future time.


City Clerk Susan S. Trevor called the roll and those answering Present were: Alderman

Tony Cook, Alderwoman Twomey (remotely), Juan Pinedo, Dan Heatherly and Alderwoman Mary Kelly Absent: Aldermen Justin Thomas, Brian Daw (arrived at 6:05 p.m.) and Robert Wells Also Present: Mayor Rod Davies, City Clerk Susan S. Trevor, City Attorney Marcum Spears and Administrator Lew Steinbrecher Also Present: Communications Director Ken Helms, Building and Zoning Director Joe Clark, MFD Chief Casey Rexroat, MPD Chief Joe Switzer and Woodard and Curran Public Works Director Andy Jackson


A. Approval of November 2, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Alderwoman Twomey (remotely) and seconded by Alderwoman Kelly to approve the November 2, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes as presented. AYE: Alderwoman Twomey (remotely), Pinedo and Alderwoman Kelly PASS: Aldermen Cook and Heatherly ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas, Daw and Wells MOTION CARRIED.


A. Presentations or Citizen Inquiries (All inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per City Ordinance)

There were none to be heard.

B. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Bills

It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Pinedo to approve the bills as presented. AYE: Alderwoman Twomey (remotely), Aldermen Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly and Alderman Cook NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas, Daw and Wells MOTION CARRIED


A. MFD October Report – Chief Rexroat

• There were 131 calls for the month of October and a large number of them are medical calls due to COVID-19.

• Extrication training was conducted during the month of October. The department would like to thank Paul Berg for providing wrecked vehicles for our training purposes.

• The month of October was also Fire Prevention Month, but due to COVID-19 in school presentations were limited. The department did do presentations at MELC and I.C.S. schools. Communications Director Ken Helms along with Firefighter Wenger created an educational video on fire safety and a virtual tour of the fire trucks that was posted on Facebook and sent to the schools in place of in person presentations.

• Fire Extinguisher Training was conducted at Americold Logistics.

• ISO will be conducting an evaluation visit in January to do an audit of the department. Our current ISO rating is 4, which is very good. A low rating also determines lower insurance rates for citizens.

• The City did not receive a grant from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) due to several factors. Over 8,300 departments applied for grants that totaled over $1.9 billion against $315,000,000 of available funds with only 25% allocated for apparatus funding. The age of the apparatus is apparently a big factor in the grant consideration and our ladder truck is newer than the median age of 30 years of the trucks that were replaced.

B. MPD October Report – Chief Switzer

• There were 21 arrests made in the month of October with 181 calls for service.

• Captain Kinney retired on November 6th after 31 years of service in the department.

• Two dispatchers left in October for other jobs. Three new dispatchers have been hired, but are in training for six weeks. It has stretched the dispatch center pretty thin, but it is being adequately covered.

• The building is being sanitized on a weekly basis.

• Officer Hull is off with injury and it is unknown when he will be able to return to duty.

• Officer Beckman is also off due to a medical issue.

D. Option to Extend Purchase of Real Estate Agreement

Administrator Steinbrecher explained that last year the City entered into an agreement with Jim Bergman to develop multiple townhomes on a 7-acre plot that the City owns south of Kimberly Drive. Mr. Bergman has received approval from the Illinois Housing Development Authority and is proceeding to complete the remaining requirements to begin the subdivision development. The initial deadline of the agreement was December 31, 2020 and Mr. Bergman is asking to extend the deadline to April 30, 2021 to allow him more time to complete the requirements. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Cook to extend the original deadline of December 31, 2020 to April 30, 2021 in the purchase agreement with Mr. Bergman. AYE: Alderwoman Twomey (remotely), Alderman Daw, Aldermen Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly and Alderman Cook NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas and Wells MOTION CARRIED.

E. North WWTP Construction Change Order – Leander Construction – Jennifer Anders

Jennifer explained that there were several small items that were not included in the original bid that needed to be added. These items were not out of the ordinary, but require approval of a change order. The additional expenses of $79,000 are not being paid for through the project contingency funds, but are being covered through strict construction management. Smithfield is aware of the changes and has given their agreement. It was moved by Alderman Cook and seconded by Alderman Daw to approve the above-stated change order for Leander Construction. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Alderman Cook and Alderwoman Twomey (remotely). NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas and Wells MOTION CARRIED.

F. Amendment to Engineering Service Agreement for N. WWTP – Jennifer Anders

Due to a lot of extra co-ordination with Smithfield and multiple changes in the system, Jennifer explained that there was an additional cost of $18,000 that requires an amendment to the original Engineering Service Agreement. Smithfield is bearing the costs. It was moved by Alderwoman Kelly and seconded by Alderman Cook to approve the above-stated amendment to the Engineering Service Agreement for the North WWTP. AYE: Aldermen Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Alderman Cook, Alderwoman Twomey (remotely) and Alderman Daw NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas and Wells MOTION CARRIED.


A. 20-014, Joint Animal Control Contract

Mayor Davies explained that this an annual joint contract with the County to operate the Animal Shelter near the Transfer Station. It was moved by Alderman Pinedo and seconded by Alderwoman Twomey (remotely) to approve the 2021 Joint Animal Control Contract with the County. AYE: Alderwoman Kelly, Alderman Cook, Alderwoman Twomey (remotely), Aldermen Daw, Pinedo and Heatherly NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas and Wells MOTION CARRIED.


A. 1st Reading

1. Ordinance 20-031, 2021-2022 Tax Levy

Administrator Steinbrecher explained that the approval of the Tax Levy is the first step in the budget process. as follows: He reviewed the presentation that he gave at the November 2nd Council Meeting

• The tax levy for 2021-2022 is $2,416,500.

• 16.5% ($400,000) is for debt service.

• 14.5% ($350,000) is used for general services to the community.

• 69% ($1,666, 500) is used to fund the City’s portion of the public safety pensions.

It was moved by Alderwoman Twomey (remotely) and seconded by Alderman Pinedo to approve Ordinance 20-031, as presented. AYE: Alderman Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Alderman Cook, Alderwoman Twomey (remotely), Alderman Daw and Pinedo NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas and Wells MOTION CARRIED.

2. Ordinance 20-032, Establishing Date for Public Hearing for Proposed Monmouth Main Street TIF District

Administrator Steinbrecher explained that the City has been working to create a TIF District that encompasses a large portion of Main Street. The creation of the Main Street TIF District would allow the City to expand its Commercial Building Rehabilitation grant to properties located within the TIF District as well as more significant infrastructure investment in the Main Street TIF area. The next step in the creation process is to set a date for and hold a Public Hearing, which is currently scheduled for January 4, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Daw to approve Ordinance 20-032, to establish the date of January 4, 2021 for a Public Hearing for the Proposed Monmouth Main Street TIF District. AYE: Alderwoman Kelly, Alderman Cook, Alderwoman Twomey (remotely), Aldermen Daw, Pinedo and Heatherly NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas and Wells


3. Ordinance 20-033, Abating G.O.B. ($4,065,000.00) Series 2015 B (Ord. 15-014)

4. Ordinance 20-034, Abating G.O.B. ($7,680,000.00) Series 2020 (Ord. 20-0130)

5. Ordinance 20-035, Abating G.O.B. ($8,335,000.00) Series 2014 (Ord. 14-018)

6. Ordinance 20-036, Partially Abating G.O.B. ($4,200,000.00) Refunding Series 2010C (Ord. 20-026)

Mayor Davies explained that these bonds are paid for from the water and sewer fund and the City annually performs an abatement for these bonds. Property tax funds are not used to pay these obligations. He asked to have a motion to collectively approve the above-stated ordinances. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Cook to approve collectively Ordinances 20-033, 20-034, 20-035, and 20-036 as presented. AYE: Alderman Cook, Alderwoman Twomey (remotely), Aldermen Daw, Pinedo, Heatherly and Alderwoman Kelly NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas and Wells MOTION CARRIED.

B. 2nd Reading

Director Clark explained that Ordinances 20-029, changing the zoning at 329 North 11th Street from B-2 to Public Service to allow for the construction of a Park District Office and Ordinance 20-030, changing the zoning at 109 East 6th Avenue from R-2 to B-2 to extend the parking lot for Papa’s are being brought back for a 2nd Reading due to lack of quorum for approval at a 1st Reading. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Cook to approve the above-stated Ordinances 20-029 and 20-030. AYE: Alderman Cook, Alderwoman Twomey (remotely), Aldermen Daw, Pinedo, Heatherly and Alderwoman Kelly NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas and Wells


There was none to be considered.


It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Cook to adjourn the November 16, 2020 meeting at 6:30 p.m. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote with the exception of Aldermen Thomas and Wells, who were absent.
