ROWVA Community Unit School District 208 Board of Education met Oct. 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The ROWVA Board of Education met in their regular meeting in the High School LMC. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Haynes at 7:00 p.m.
The following members answered roll call at 7:00 p.m.:
Mr. Johnson (Present ☒ Not Present ☐), Mr. Kalb (Present ☒ Not Present ☐), Mr. Kuelper (Present ☒ Not Present ☐), Mr. Lake (Present ☒ Not Present ☐), Mrs. Shepherd (Present ☒ Not Present ☐), Mr. West (Present ☒ Not Present ☐), and Mr. Haynes (Present ☒ Not Present ☐).
Mr. West moved and Mr. Johnson seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda for the minutes of September 21, 2020 (Budget and Regular), the Treasurer’s Report, and the payment of all bills in Education, Operations and Maintenance, Transportation, IMRF, Working Cash, Fire/Safety and Activity Funds as listed on the official copy. Polled vote: Mr. Johnson (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Kalb (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Kuelper (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Lake (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mrs. Shepherd (Aye☒Nay☐), Mr.West( Aye☒Nay☐), and Mr. Haynes (Aye☒Nay☐). Motion carried.
People present were Board members, administrators, one member of the certified staff, Representative Dan Swanson and Bell of the press.
Mr. Sornberger described how our JH and HS teachers, instructional coach and principal configured a new learning space in the LMC for classes. The board meeting was held in the space and it will be a great learning space which allows for social distancing for a full class with video support.
Mrs. Danner presented the elementary principal’s report. She reviewed: School year goals, enrollment numbers, educational spotlight, and upcoming events. She also described some of the challenges that have been presented with the new educational situation. Also, more students have returned to F2F learning at the start of the second quarter. She complimented all teachers on their efforts to think outside the box.
Mr. Seaney presented the jr./sr. high school principal’s report. He reviewed: School year goals, student spotlight, education spotlight, and upcoming events/activities. For 2nd quarter, 79% of the student body is learning in F2F setting and 21% are remote. Students in Mr. Johnson’s 2019-20 AP Government class were featured in an example video on running a Moot Court simulation in the Guardians of Democracy course. For this year’s community service project, the NHS membership has decided to start a tree research area on campus. They will start with one tree to represent each pillar of NHS: knowledge, character, service, & leadership. Each tree will have a plaque with information about the tree. In the future, each NHS class will add a tree. This week is Spirit Week with dress up and activities through the week. The IHSA Board will be meeting October 27th to update its decision for winter sports.
Mr. Sornberger presented the superintendent’s report. Keys for moving forward: Please do not send child to school when there is an outstanding COVID test in the household; please do not send your child to school if they are not feeling well; please do not allow your child to attend large gatherings, and continue to mask up, wash your hands, social distance and be safe.
ACTION ITEMS *Tuition Waiver
Mr. Sornberger recommended that the non-resident tuition waiver be approved. Mrs. Shepherd moved and Mr. Kuelper seconded the motion. Polled vote: Mr. Johnson (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Kalb (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Kuelper (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Lake (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mrs. Shepherd (Aye☒Nay☐), Mr. West (Aye☒Nay☐), and Mr. Haynes (Aye☒Nay☐). Motion carried.
*Working Cash Bond
Mr. Sornberger presented information regarding necessary building improvements and requested approval of a Resolution declaring the Intention to Issue $1.9 million Working Cash Fund Bonds of Community Unit School District Number 208, Knox and Henry Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Fund of said School District, and directing that notice of such intention be published in the manner provided by law. Mrs. Shepherd moved and Mr. West seconded the motion. Polled vote: Mr. Johnson (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Kalb (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Kuelper (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Lake (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mrs. Shepherd (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. West (Aye☒Nay☐), and Mr. Haynes (Aye☒Nay☐). Motion carried.
*Bond Refinance Options
Mr. Sornberger discussed refinancing options for the 2012 Elementary Bond.
*Sales Tax Resolution
Mr. Sornberger recommended to approve the Resolution to move future incoming sales tax money into the Capital Fund instead of the Bond and Interest Fund. Mr. Kuelper moved and Mr. Kalb seconded the motion. Polled vote: Mr. Johnson (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Kalb (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Kuelper (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mr. Lake (Aye ☒ Nay ☐), Mrs. Shepherd (Aye☒Nay☐), Mr. West (Aye☒Nay☐), and Mr. Haynes (Aye☒Nay☐). Motion carried.
*PRESS Policies
Mr. Sornberger presented the PRESS Policies for the second reading and recommended that they be approved as presented. Mr. Lake moved and Mrs. Shepherd seconded the motion. Motion carried.
*Surplus Part
Mr. Sornberger presented some surplus bus garage items. Mr. West moved and Mr. Johnson seconded the motion to approve the surplus list. Motion approved.
*Early Graduation
Mr. Sornberger recommended that the early graduation requests from Molly Blust, Thalia Jimenez, Madison Walker and Tyler Woods be accepted. Mr. Kuelper moved and Mr. Lake seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mr. Sornberger recommended that the resignation of Jason Lydic as JV Boys Basketball Coach be accepted. Mr. Kalb moved and Mr. Kuelper seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mr. Sornberger recommended that Jason Lydic be hired as the 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach. Mr. West moved and Mr. Kuelper seconded the motion. Motion carried.
*Job Posting
Mr. Sornberger requested approval to post for a Mid-County Cheerleading Coach. Mr. Lake moved and Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mr. Kuelper moved and Mrs. Shepherd seconded the motion to adjourn at 8:01 p.m. Motion carried.