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Monday, December 23, 2024

Monmouth-Roseville Community Unit School District #238 Board of Education met May 12

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Monmouth-Roseville Community Unit School District #238 Board of Education met May 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order/Roll Call 

The Monmouth-Roseville C.U.S.D. #238 Board of Education met in a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via teleconference hosted in the Superintendent's office at the District Office, 105 North E Street, Monmouth, IL. The roll was read and the following Members responded: Froelich, Killey, Sells, Watson, and Brooks (5). Roll call #1.

Pledge of Allegiance 

President Killey led the Members and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comments 

None were submitted to the District Office.

Consent Agenda 

It was moved by Member Watson and seconded by Member Brooks that the Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented:

(a.) The Board approved and placed on file the Minutes of the April 14, 2020 regular and closed session minutes. 

(b.) The Board received and placed on file the April Financial Reports that included the Treasurer’s Report and the Report of Employee Self-Insurance Health Insurance Program. 

(c.) The Board approved the April payroll and Board bills as presented:


Gross Payroll $789,545.06

Health/Life Insurance $94,833.95

FICA/Medicare $24, 295.89

MRF $17,696.18

TRS $15,167.23

Total $941,538.31

Board Bills 

Education Fund $220,798.37

Kruidenier Fund $0.00

Building Fund $63,678.67

Debt Service Fund $103,842.95

Transportation Fund $6,464.11

IMRF /SS Fund $0.00

Capital Projects Fund $479,228.10

Working Cash Fund $0.00

Tort Fund $40.00 0.00

Fire Prevention & Safety Fund $0.00

Total $874,052.20

(d.) The Board accepted the School Activity accounts as presented. 

(e.) The Board accepted the Principals' reports as presented.

On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Killey, Sells, Watson, Brooks, and Froelich (5). Roll call #2

Superintendent Reports 

Mr. Fletcher indicated to the Board that the District was working on Possible School Scenario's for 20-21 School Year: 

Scenario A: Nothing changes and school will proceed as normal 

Scenario B: Prepare for rolling closures. CDC guidance suggests that if a child tests positive for coronavirus that school will be closed for 2 - 5 days. 

Scenario C: Schools will need to limit the number of students in a class at any one time as much as possible to keep proper social distancing. In this scenario, I would suggest we split each class into A and B groups. 

A & B students would attend on alternating days (similar to a block schedule) and students will receive all of their instruction while at school and have the next day to complete the work 

Scenario D: Prepare for multiple week closures at a time similar to the end of the 19-20 school year.

Mr. Fletcher updated the Board regarding the Summer Food Program for students indicating the final day for providing food for our families will be Thursday, May 21st. On this day, we will provide 5 days' worth of food to our families. The Jameson Center will take over food service for the summer on Tuesday, May 26th. He also commended our Food Service staff as they were rock stars during this difficult time!

Mr. Fletcher updated the Board regarding a tentative plan for the end of the year outlining the following plan:

• Bagged Meals continue MW F this week (May 4, 6 & 8) & next (May 11, 13 & 15)

• On May 19 & 21 we have our final distribution on Tuesday / Thursday

• Thursday, May 21's distribution will be 4 breakfasts & 4 lunches (LARGE). Our Food Department (who have been the 100% unsung heroes of this COVID crisis) would like to prep the last distribution by FAMILY portion - that is NOT individual bagged meals but 4 days' worth of food. This will allow Teresa to purchase in bulk. It may also be difficult for our families to transport so forewarn them in advance.

Also included in Thursday, May 21's distribution will (LIKELY) be a restaurant food coupon for use on Friday, May 22 only. This will allow families to use the FAMILY portions over the long holiday weekend.

Beginning Tuesday, May 26 the Jamieson Center will begin distributing "summer meals" and we will promote that heavily.

Mr. Fletcher updated the Board on the most recent information from the Illinois State Board of

Education and Illinois Department of Public Health with regard to graduation plans for the Class of 2020

Mr. Fletcher updated the Board with a financial update for FY20 and FY21 indicating it was very hard to come up with various scenarios for FY 21 due to the uncertainty surrounding revenue from the State.

In addition, local tax bills will be sent out late with collection starting in September. In the past, the District could count on 98% of tax payers paying their tax bill however there is fear the collection rate will be closer to 50% initially with tax money coming in sporadically throughout the year.

That being said, the two funds most worrisome, he continued, are Bond and Interest as well as Tort. Both of those funds are funded with local tax money only. The District has the money in working cash to loan to each fund, but the longer there are local revenue issues, the quicker our working cash fund will be depleted.

Our other funds have enough balances to weather the storm for the foreseeable future, but District balances will begin to be spent down the longer revenue shortages occur.



Board Committee Reports 


Instructional / Operational Presentation

A. Illinois School Library Program Guidelines Presentation 

The presentation was provided to the Board electronically.

B. Instructional / Operational Presentation 

The presentation was provided to the Board electronically.

C. Update from Student Support Specialists 

The presentation was provided to the Board electronically.

D. ELL Program Update

The presentation was provided to the Board electronically.

Old Business

A. Monmouth-Roseville District Student Handbook Changes for the 2020-2021 School Year (Second and Final Reading) 

Mr. Fletcher presented the Board with the handbook and having received no questions recommend the Board approve as presented. Member Brooks moved to approve the 2020-2021 school year student handbook as presented and was seconded by Member Froelich. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Sells, Watson, Brooks, Froelich, and Killey (5). Motion carried. Roll call #3

New Business

A. Discussion/Approval of District Consolidated Plan for Every Student Succeeds Act 

The Members were provided with information and were asked to approve the District Consolidated Plan as presented. Seeing no discussion Member Watson moved and Member Brooks seconded the plan as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Watson, Brooks, Froelich, Killey, and Sells (5). Motion carried. Roll Call #4

B. Review and Approval of Fuel Bids for Transportation for the 2020-2021 school year 

Mr. Fletcher recommended the Board approve the fuel bid from Halcomb Oil, the lowest bidder for the upcoming school year:

Seeing no questions, Member Watson moved and Member Froelich seconded a motion to approve the fuel bid to the lowest responsible bidder Halcomb Oil as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Watson, Brooks, Froelich, Killey, and Sells (5). Motion carried. Roll Call #5

C. Discussion/Approval of High School School Improvement Plan 

The Superintendent provided the Board with the plan. Seeing no questions Member Froelich moved and Member Brooks seconded a motion to approve the school improvement plan as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Watson, Brooks, Froelich, Killey, and Sells (5). Motion carried. Roll Call #6

D. Discussion/Approval of Junior High School Improvement Plan 

The Superintendent provided the Board with the plan. Seeing no questions Member Froelich moved and Member Brooks seconded a motion to approve the school improvement plan as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Watson, Brooks, Froelich, Killey, and Sells (5). Motion carried. Roll Call #7

E. Discussion/Approval of Central Intermediate School Improvement Plan 

The Superintendent provided the Board with the plan. Seeing no questions Member Froelich moved and Member Brooks seconded a motion to approve the school improvement plan as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Watson, Brooks, Froelich, Killey, and Sells (5). Motion carried. Roll Call #8

F. Discussion/Approval of Harding School Improvement Plan 

The Superintendent provided the Board with the plan. Seeing no questions Member Froelich moved and Member Brooks seconded a motion to approve the school improvement plan as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Watson, Brooks, Froelich, Killey, and Sells (5). Motion carried. Roll Call #9

G. Discussion/Approval of Harding Primary School Improvement Plan 

The Superintendent provided the Board with the plan. Seeing no questions Member Froelich moved and Member Brooks seconded a motion to approve the school improvement plan as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Watson, Brooks, Froelich, Killey, and Sells (5). Motion carried. Roll Call #10

H. Discussion/Approval of MR 238 Master Plan for Mulitlingual Learners 

The Superintendent provided the Board with the plan. Seeing no questions Member Froelich moved and Member Brooks seconded a motion to approve the school improvement plan as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Watson, Brooks, Froelich, Killey, and Sells (5). Motion carried. Roll Call #11

I. Proposed New or Amended Board Policies (First Reading) 

The Superintendent gave the Board the following policies for their review:

4:50 Payment Procedures 5:60 Expenses 

7:70 Attendance and Truancy 

7:90 Release During School Hours 

8:10 Connection with the Community 

8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

8:80 Gifts to the District 

2:125 Board Member Compensation: Expenses 

2:160 Board Attorney 

5:150 Personnel Records 

5:280 Duties and Qualifications 

5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves 

6:135 Accelerated Placement Program 

6:280 Grading and Promotion 

7:130 Student Rights and Responsibilities 

7:325 Student Fundraising Activities 

8:110 Public Suggestions and Concerns

The Board will review the policies next month for a Second Reading.

J. Introduction of an Amended Monmouth-Roseville CUSD #238 FY20 Budget, and Approval of a Time and Date for an Amended Budget Hearing Mr. Fletcher recommend the Board adopt the following resolution for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Tentative Amended Budget and Appropriation Ordinance as presented and set the amended budget hearing for June 16, 2020 at 6:45 p.m.


WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 238, Monmouth and Roseville, Illinois, has adopted a Budget and Appropriate Ordinance for the School Year commending July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020; and

WHEREAS, circumstances have changed sufficiently to justify an amendment to the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance so adopted.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 238, Monmouth and Roseville, Illinois, that a Tentative Amended Budget shall be adopted which reflects the changed circumstances identified;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Tentative Amended Budget shall be placed on public display for a period of not less than thirty days;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Public Hearing shall be called to receive public comments on said Tentative Amended Budget on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 6:45 o'clock p.m. in the Board Room of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 238 located at 105 North E Street, Monmouth, Illinois; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that notice of said Public Hearing shall be given at least thirty days prior thereto as required by statute, by publication in the Monmouth Review Atlas, a newspaper of general circulation in Monmouth and Roseville, Illinois.


The undersigned, Anita Sells, hereby certifies that she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 238, Monmouth and Roseville, Illinois, and the keeper of the books and records thereof. She further certifies that attached hereto is a tentative copy of the Amended Budget for said School District as adopted by action of the Board of Education at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education held on May 12, 2020.

She further certifies that there is on file in the office of the Superintendent and in the office of the Secretary of the Board a true and correct copy of the original of such Budget.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Anita Sells has executed this Certificate this 12th day of May, 2020.

Secretary, Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 238, Monmouth and Roseville, Illinois

Anita Sells

Member Brooks moved the adopt the resolution and Member Watson seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Brooks, Froelich, Killey, Sells, and Watson (5). Motion carried. Roll call #12

Board Comments 

Member Watson thanked the Food Services department for their work during the school closure to feed students. In addition, Lana Stewart thanked the Board and staff for the work over the school closure.

Closed Session 

At 7:34 p.m. Member Watson moved to enter into closed session for the purpose of:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity (5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)) 13.2 The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. Litigation, when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the particular body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding must be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting

Member Brooks seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Brooks, Froelich, Killey, Sells and Watson (5). Roll call #13

At 8:02 p.m. Member Brooks moved and Member Watson seconded a motion to return to Open Session. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Kiley, Sells, Watson, Brooks, and Froelich (5). Motion carried. Roll call #14

Action Taken as a Result of Closed Session 


Personnel Agenda 

The following personnel actions were presented to the Board for approval:

Member Brooks moved to accept the Personnel Agenda as presented. Member Watson seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Sells, Watson, Brooks, Froelich, and Killey (5). Motion carried. Roll call #15


Seeing no other business President Killey asked for a motion to adjourn and Member Froelich moved to adjourn the meeting. Member Brooks seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Watson, Brooks, Froelich, Killey, and Sells (5). Motion carries. Roll call #16

The President declared the meeting closed.



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