
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, June 2, 2024

City of Galesburg City Council met May 18

Meeting 04

City of Galesburg City Council met May 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Called to order by Mayor John Pritchard at 5:30 p.m.

Roll Call #1: Physically Present: Mayor John T. Pritchard, Bradley Hix, Wayne Dennis, Corine Andersen, and Larry Cox, 5. 

Present Via Telephone: Council Members Lindsay Hillery, Peter Schwartzman, and Wayne Allen, 3. 

Also present was City Manager Todd Thompson and City Clerk Kelli Bennewitz. Mayor Pritchard declared a quorum present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Semenya McCord gave the invocation.

Council Member Allen moved, seconded by Council Member Dennis, to approve the minutes of the City Council meeting from May 4, 2020.

Roll Call #2:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Hillery, Andersen, Schwartzman, Allen, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion.


Approve Resolution 20-13 accepting a grant from the Illinois Housing Development Authority’s Single Family Rehabilitation Grant Program in the amount of $470,000.


Approve Resolution 20-14 authorizing litigation proceedings against attorney Bruce Bonczyk.


Approve the bid from Supreme Radio Communications in the amount of $41,826.70 for the purchase of routers and virtual private networks for the new police squad cars.


Approve the bid from Birkey’s Farm Store in the amount of $104,500 for the purchase of a new wheel loader to be utilized by the Street Division.


Approve the bid from Supreme Radio Communications in the amount of $67,027.65 for the purchase of ruggedized computers for the new police squad cars.


Approve the bid from Laverdiere Construction in the amount of $77,173.98 for improvements to the Bunker Links patio.


Approve Budget Adjustment #1 for the budget year ending December 31, 2020.


Approve an amendment to an intergovernmental agreement with the University of Illinois at Chicago for a study in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Help Eliminate Lead Program Pilot Grant modification.


Receive the quarterly investment schedule as of March 31, 2020.


Approve the appointment of Rob Benedict to the Overall Code Review Commission with a term expiring June 2023.


Approve bills in the amount of $636,751.46 and advance checks in the amount of $7,695.84.

Council Member Cox congratulated Administration on another housing rehab grant for the community.

Council Member Dennis moved, seconded by Council Member Hillery, to approve Consent

Agenda 2020-10.

Roll Call #3:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Hillery, Andersen, Schwartzman, Allen, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried by omnibus vote.



Council Member Andersen moved, seconded by Council Member Cox, to approve Ordinance 20-3612 on final reading amending Appendix J of Chapter 76 of the Galesburg Municipal Code to reduce the speed limit on South Street between Kellogg Street and Academy Street to 25 mph. The estimated cost for the two radar feedback signs of $8,000 will be shared equally by the City and Knox College.

Council Member Dennis stated that constituents have called him who are not in favor of the signs. They also feel that Knox should pay for the improvements and ensure the students are educated about crossing the street and paying attention.

Council Member Cox stated that if Knox were a new company coming to town, and employed several hundred people, the City would likely entertain any requests they had. He noted that this request would likely seem minimal if that were the case.

Roll Call #4:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Hillery, Andersen, Allen, and Cox, 5.

Nays: Council Member Dennis, 1.

Absent: None

Abstain: Council Member Schwartzman, 1.

Chairman declared motion carried.



City Clerk Bennewitz stated that Council Member Andersen received a call from a constituent asking if elected officials, or City directors or employees, received priority testing for COVID-19. Bennewitz stated that only first responders receive priority testing and that the City has had some employees who fall into this category - dispatch employees, firefighters, etc.


A. May Traffic Advisory Committee report received.

City Manager Thompson also commended staff on the housing grants that have been received and believes that they have been impactful for our community. He believes that over the next several years, the aesthetics and safety of these homes and neighborhoods will continue to have a big effect on our community.

He also noted that Waste Management has resumed collection of oversized items at the curb again with a purchase of a $19 sticker. Those can be purchased at the customer service desk at both Hy-Vee grocery stores.

Council Member Cox asked about the protections given to the City’s frontline workers. The City Manager stated that many offices are getting glass protection and extra effort has been made to keep these areas clean. Employees will also have masks and gloves provided to them. He applauded the employees for continuing to provide a high level of service throughout the stay at home order.

MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS (Agreements, Approvals, Etc.)


Council Member Allen moved, seconded by Council Member Hix, to remove agenda item 20-4036 from the table.

Roll Call #5:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Hillery, Andersen, Schwartzman, Allen, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Ken Springer, President of the Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development, addressed the Council in favor of the loan. He stated that Innovate Proteins Manufacturing is a new company and will be revitalizing an under-utilized building. The business is focused on converting sustainably grown agricultural inputs into high quality plant-based food ingredients.

The company plans on hiring at least 25 new positions within 24 months of operation Council Member Allen moved, seconded by Council Member Hix, to approve a $250,000 Revolving Loan for Innovative Production USA for a period of five years, amortized over ten years, at a 4.5 percent interest rate.

Roll Call #6:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Hillery, Andersen, Schwartzman, Allen, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Allen moved, seconded by Council Member Cox, to approve a facade grant for 66 North Seminary Street in a not to exceed amount of $72,137.50, or 50 percent of the estimated project costs, or 50 percent of the actual final project costs, whichever is less.

Roll Call #7:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Hillery, Andersen, Schwartzman, Allen, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Cox moved, seconded by Council Member Hillery, to approve an agreement for professional services with Klingner and Associates, P.C. in the amount of $27,000 to conduct a siting study for Gravel Pack Well #6 at the Oquawka well field.

Roll Call #8:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Hillery, Andersen, Schwartzman, Allen, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Council Member Allen moved, seconded by Council Member Dennis, that the City Council sit as the Town Board. The motion carried by voice vote.



Trustee Allen moved, seconded by Trustee Andersen, to approve Town bills and warrants be drawn in payment of same.

Fund Title


Town Fund


General Assistance Fund




Social Security/Medicare Fund


Liability Fund


Audit Fund



Roll Call #9:

Ayes: Trustees Hix, Dennis, Hillery, Andersen, Schwartzman, Allen, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Trustee Allen moved, seconded by Trustee Dennis, to resume sitting as the City Council. The motion carried by voice vote.


Council Member Cox stated that he is in support of joining the Heart of Illinoi Plan and believes that businesses can decide for themselves whether or not to open. He believes this plan allows for the reopening in a safe manner.

Council Member Allen echoed Council Member Cox’s comments.

Council Member Schwartzman stated that several recreational activities are limited and he encouraged staff to think about innovative ways to provide recreation to the community.

Council Member Andersen stated that when businesses reopen it is her hope that they follow proper safety procedures.

Council Member Dennis commended staff on everything they’re doing for the pandemic, which has led to zero deaths in Knox County. He also thanked everyone for wearing masks.

Council Member Hix stated that it’s time to reopen the community and that many businesses are hurting. He is in full support of the Heart of Illinois Plan.

Mayor Pritchard stated that he believes the HOI Plan is well designed and medically sound. The plan has been vetted by other regional leaders who have joined on, although there are some questions that still need to be addressed. He noted that Iowa restaurants can be open with fifty percent capacity and can have 100 percent capacity on May 28th as long as there is not a spike in cases.

The Mayor added that he sent a letter to the Governor with three requests:

1. The 28-Day phasing window should be reduced to the 14-day window as outlined by federal recommendations. A 28-day window is too long and unnecessarily punishes communities like ours who maintain a low disease burden and may see increased cases due to restrictions being lifted in neighboring states.

2. The regions in our state should be broken down into Emergency Medical Service Regions. Failure to do so lumps us in with other communities.

3. Medical measurements used to determine proceeding with another phase should begin with the March 20th date; the original date of your stay at home order. The May 1st starting point for measurement is arbitrary and fails to recognize the sacrifices taken by every resident in Galesburg to meet the necessary precautions of the original stay at home order.

He stated that our County has met the metrics to reopen and it is his hope that Knox County will consider joining the HOI Plan as well. He is seeing businesses and lives crushed by the pandemic but we need to find a way to manage both. Many could reasonably reopen now.

He urged people to continue to be vigilant in staying six feet apart, washing their hands and having a good plan to stop the spread of the virus.

There being no further business, Council Member Dennis moved, seconded by Council Member Hix, to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:05 p.m.

Roll Call #10:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Hillery, Schwartzman, Allen, and Cox, 6.

Nays: None

Absent: Council Member Andersen, 1.

Chairman declared motion carried.




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