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Illinois State Board of Education met March 18

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Illinois State Board of Education met March 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

ROLL CALL Mr. Darren Reisberg, Chair of the Board, called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m.

Chair of the Board Reisberg announced that the Board meeting was being audio- cast live over the internet and video recorded.

Chair of the Board Reisberg asked the clerk to call the roll. A quorum was present with nine members. State Superintendent Dr. Carmen I. Ayala was also in attendance.

Members Present:

Mr. Darren Reisberg, Chair of the Board (Chicago Office) 

Dr. Donna Leak, Vice Chair (Chicago Office) 

Dr. Cristina Pacione-Zayas, Secretary (via phone) 

Dr. Christine Benson (Springfield Office) 

Ms. Cynthia Latimer (via phone) 

Dr. David Lett (Springfield Office) 

Ms. Susie Morrison (Springfield Office) 

Ms. Jacqueline Robbins (via phone) 

Ms. Jane Quinlan (Springfield Office)

Chair of the Board Reisberg introduced Kirsten Parr, Board Services coordinator, and recognized Kim Clarke for her service as the interim Board Services coordinator while simultaneously serving as the executive assistant to the State Superintendent.

Chair of the Board Reisberg made a statement recognizing the Governor’s Office for its decisive action and commending educators, students, and families across Illinois for their efforts in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

Dr. Ayala thanked the agency for its seamless transition to remote work. She also thanked all the educators and administrators that have worked tirelessly to support students and families in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

The Board recognized Dr. Ayala and the agency, as well as their colleagues in the field, for their work in serving students during this trying time.


Chair of the Board Reisberg reminded those in attendance of the updated public participation policy. He outlined the telephonic public participation procedures in light of the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation.

Vikki Stokes asked the Board to render a favorable decision regarding the appeal for Chicago Virtual Charter School (CVCS).

Dianne Garratt shared her perspective as a Chicago Virtual Charter School parent and asked the Board to vote in favor of CVCS.

David Garratt shared his perspective as a student of CVCS and asked the Board to grant the appeal for CVCS.

Susan Stanton from ACT Now implored the agency to provide more communication about how school closures impact recipients of the 21st Century Learning Centers grants.

Tanya Selders shared her perspective as a CVCS parent and asked the Board to vote in favor of CVCS.

Adriana Simeran spoke about the benefits of CVCS and asked the Board to grant its appeal.

LaShaun Bryant shared her experience as a CVCS parent and asked the Board to vote in favor of CVCS.

Alexander Van Beek spoke about his experience as a teacher at CVCS and asked the Board to render a favorable decision regarding its appeal.

Tina Os encouraged the Board that CVCS should remain open.

Donna Coaxum asked the Board to consider the change in leadership at CVCS and encouraged the Board to grant its appeal.

Hal Woods from Chicago Public Schools (CPS) outlined the requirements that CPS sets forth for charter schools, which CVCS and Frazier Preparatory Academy Charter School did not meet. Thus, he encouraged the Board to deny both appeals.

Denise McNamara gave her perspective as a CVCS teacher and asked the Board to consider the uniqueness of CVCS compared to the CPS School Quality Rating Policy. She requested that CVCS be granted its appeal.

Jonathan VanderBrug from Arts Alliance Illinois spoke strongly in support of Dr. Ayala’s recommendation regarding the Fine Arts indicator.

Ashley Stiver highlighted concerns from the field about student teaching program requirements and the edTPA in light of school closures.

Dr. Ayala noted that the agency is coordinating with the Illinois Board of Higher Education regarding this issue and that she supports a town hall meeting with student teachers to address their concerns.


The Board recognized the students who won the 38th annual Illinois Arts Education Week arts poster contest in their respective divisions:

Matthew Seiya Abe-Bell, Springfield High School (High School Division) Alexandra Bravo, Westchester Middle School (Middle School Division) Michael J. Golminas, St. Joseph School (Elementary Division)


Dr. Benson read the Board’s Resolution to Recognize April 1 as National Census Day and moved that the State Board of Education hereby approve the resolution.

Ms. Latimer seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous voice vote.


Jen Saba, executive director of Regional Services, introduced the members of the Student Advisory Council (SAC).

The SAC members presented their recommendations to the Board on student safety, student success, equity, and ways to ensure a complete count in the 2020 Census.

Dr. Ayala and the Board thanked the SAC for its work and praised the quality of the research and the presentation. They also reflected on the ways that the SAC’s recommendations can be operationalized and explored how the recommendations align to the Strategic Plan.


Dr. Ayala reviewed the items under the consent agenda.

Ms. Morrison moved that the State Board of Education approve the consent agenda with the exception of following items, which were taken separately:

E. Approval of Ed360 AND Illinois Longitudinal Data Systems Project RSFP 

F. Decision on Frazier Prep Charter Academy Appeal 

G. Decision on Chicago Virtual Charter School Appeal

Dr. Leak seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously with a roll call vote.

The following motions were approved by action taken in the consent agenda motion:

Approval of Minutes

Plenary Minutes: February 18, 2020

The Illinois State Board of Education hereby approves the Feb. 18, 2020, meeting minutes with corrections to Elliot Regenstein’s name.

Rules for Initial Review

Part 75 (Agricultural Education Pre-Service Teacher Internship Program)

Agricultural Education Pre-Service Teacher Internship Program

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes solicitation of public comment on the proposed rulemaking for Part 75 (Agricultural Education Program), including publication of the proposed rules in the Illinois Register to elicit public comment.

Rules for Adoption

Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) and Part 680

(New) State Seal of Biliteracy

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to submit the proposed rulemaking for Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) and Part 680 (State Seal of Biliteracy) to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) for second notice.

Further, the Board authorizes the State Superintendent of Education to make such technical and non-substantive changes as the State Superintendent may deem necessary in response to suggestions or objections of JCAR.

Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million

Approval of Truants’ Alternative and Optional Education Program Grant Notice of Funding Opportunities/Request for Proposals

The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to release the Truants’ Alternative and Optional Education Programs (TAOEP) Fiscal Year 2021 NOFO/RFP and award funds to successful applicants. The initial term of the grant will begin July 1, 2020, and extend through June 30, 2021. There will be two one-year renewals contingent upon a sufficient appropriation and satisfactory performance in each preceding grant year. The estimated total cost, including cohort renewals, will not exceed $11.5 million in FY 2021.

The State Board of Education further authorizes the State Superintendent to execute grant agreements within defined parameters to any entity eligible to receive more than $1 million for a single award or over the life of the grant.

Education Officer Dr. Ernesto Matias reported on agency discussions regarding how to measure the effectiveness of grants, including the TAOEP grant.

Dr. Pacione-Zayas expressed concern about the use of the term “dropout.” She encouraged the agency to examine the language used in order to acknowledge circumstances outside of the student’s control that my force them from educational spaces.

Approval of Cut Score Recommendations for Redesigned Licensure Test: Elementary Education (1-6) The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to approve the panel-recommended cut scores for the redesigned Elementary Education content test.

Approval of Fine Arts Indicator The State Board of Education hereby approves the Superintendent’s recommendation for the Fine Arts indicator.

Ms. Latimer expressed concerns about the possible impact on a school’s accountability designation and asked what types of supports will the agency provide to districts and schools that might not be able to succeed under the Fine Arts indicator. She also asked whether adjustments could be made in the future if the TAC held concerns about data quality. She requested these concerns be recorded explicitly in the minutes.

Dr. Ayala clarified that the indicator will not go into effect until the 2022-23 school year. Before that point, data will be collected to help finalize the indicator and to analyze impact on schools. She also emphasized that there is amendment process available for all indicators

Dr. Jason Helfer, deputy officer of Instructional Education, stated that this time prior to implementation would also be used to update school course catalogs, ensuring that course offerings are correctly organized. He also stated that the agency is working with schools and districts to ensure that fine arts courses are identified in an equitable manner.

Approval of Spring 2020 Waiver Report The State Board of Education hereby approves all waiver requests.

Approval of FY 2021, FY 2022 and FY 2023 Board Meeting Dates The State Board of Education hereby approves the FY 2021, FY 2022, and FY 2023 dates for State Board of Education meetings.

Acceptance of the School Financial Profile The State Board of Education hereby accepts the 2020 Financial Profile based upon the FY 2019 audited financial statements presented by school districts.

Approval of the Contract with New Meridian Corporation for Content Licensing and Development for the Illinois Assessment of Readiness The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into a new three-year contract with New Meridian Corporation for customized content development and content licensing for the Illinois Assessment of Readiness starting July 1, 2020, in an amount not to exceed $23,089,656.

Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with the University of Kansas Center for Research (KUCR)-Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM-AA) The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into a new five-year contract with the University of Kansas for the administration of the state alternate accountability assessment starting July 1, 2020.

Dr. Dixon reported that no specific feedback was given on this assessment during the assessment review.

Approval of Renewal of Intergovernmental Agreement for Illinois Interactive Report Card The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Northern Illinois University for the continued hosting, development, enhancement, maintenance, and support of the Illinois Report Card and the My Illinois Interactive Report Card for FY 2021 in an amount not to exceed $1.75 million.

Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Board of Higher Education The State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to enter into an FY 2020 intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Board of Higher Education for the purposes of carrying out activities under the Federal Preschool Development Grant Birth to Five. The initial term of the agreement will be upon execution through Dec. 30, 2020.


Dr. Lett made a motion that the Software Solutions Department requests that the State Board of Education authorize the State Superintendent to release a Request for Sealed Proposals (RFSP) and award to the successful offeror(s) to procure the services of one Project Manager, one Business Analyst, one Data Analyst, and two Developers to assist in the development and maintenance of extant and future data systems as they pertain to the Ed360 and Illinois Longitudinal Data System data projects. The total award over a five-year period will not exceed $6 million. This award will not be utilized for data projects to enhance Ed360 until the State Superintendent has completed a review of the Ed360 platform and determines that enhancements are appropriate. (This RFSP is a replacement for current contractual resources that are expiring.)

Ms. Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous roll call vote.

Dr. Pacione-Zayas clarified that the agency will require bidders to disclose their plans to maintain student data privacy, as well as their holdings in private prisons, private detention centers, and practices harmful to the environment. Legal Officer Trisha Olson confirmed that the RFSP will include these provisions. Chair of the Board Reisberg noted that Financial Officer Robert Wolfe had sent communications about how this request could be folded in to the RFP process.

Ms. Quinlan requested that the agency provide more data on how Ed360 is utilized by the field. Chair of the Board Reisberg agreed and asked that, in addition to quantitative data, qualitative data also be supplied.


Chair of the Board Reisberg noted that this is not a decision that the Board makes lightly. The Board is dedicated to monitoring and tracking the placement of the affected students to ensure actions are taken in their best interests.

Ms. Quinlan made a motion that the State Board of Education hereby adopts the hearing officer’s Recommendation and Proposed Order in full and with no modifications. The State Board of Education hereby denies Frazier Preparatory Academy Charter School’s appeal of the decision by the Chicago Board of Education to revoke Frazier Prep’s charter and charter school agreement.

Dr. Lett seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Chair of the Board Reisberg read comments submitted by Julia Roody, a social worker at CVCS, who was earlier unable to get through during public comment. She spoke in support of CVCS remaining open.

The Board discussed the placements of students affected by the closures. Dr. Leak stated for the record that she was chiefly concerned with ensuring that students and their families are cared for. Ms. Saba recommended courses of action that the State Board could take to follow up with CPS regarding student placements. Chair of the Board Reisberg requested monthly updates on the progress of placing students.

Dr. Pacione-Zayas highlighted that in a study by the UChicago Consortium of Research examining student outcomes for students affected by the CPS closures of 49 schools, there was no clear evidence that a substantial number of students were placed in higher-performing schools. She questioned whether CPS would be able to carry out placements to higher-performing schools. Dr. Pacione-Zayas also expressed concerns about the timeline of the appeals process, considering the change of school administration.

Ms. Saba highlighted that in their briefing statements, CPS will work with students to create flexibility with virtual versus brick-and-mortar instruction. Ms. Olson stated that any affected special education students have an obligation to be served on the appropriate continual placement options.

Ms. Saba gave an overview of charter schools in Illinois and what the Board may see in the future with respect to charter appeals.

The Board discussed the concern that that the State Board has the final authority to revoke charters, though it does not give input into the opening of charters. The agency must still certify that the charter is operating within the law.

Dr. Benson made a motion that the State Board of Education hereby adopts the hearing officer’s Recommendation and Proposed Order in full and with no modifications. The State Board of Education hereby denies Chicago Virtual Charter School’s appeal of the decision by the Chicago Board of Education to revoke CVCS’ charter and charter school agreement.

Ms. Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Ms. Robbins made a motion that the State Board of Education hereby authorizes the State Superintendent to submit the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century (Perkins V) Illinois State Plan to the U.S. Department of Education by April 15, 2020.

Dr. Leak seconded the motion, and it passed by roll call vote with eight votes in favor. Dr. Lett abstained from this vote.


Dr. Leak moved that the Board enter into closed session under the exceptions set forth in the Open Meetings Act of the State of Illinois as follows:

A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

B. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILSCS 120/2(c)(11)

C. Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21).

She further moved that Board members may invite anyone they wish to be included in this closed session.

Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and it passed with a unanimous roll call vote.

The open meeting recessed at 12:51 p.m. and the Board went into closed session at 12:56 p.m. The open meeting reconvened at 2:32 p.m.


Ms. Quinlan made a motion that, pursuant to Section 2.06(d) of the Open Meetings Act, the State Board of Education has reviewed the minutes of its closed sessions for August 14, 2019; September 18, 2019; October 16, 2019; November 22, 2019; December 18, 2019; and January 15, 2020.

Therefore, Ms. Quinlan moved that the State Board of Education certifies that the closed session minutes for August 14, 2019, and September 18, 2019, to be approved and become open. She also moved that the State Board of Education certifies that the need for confidentiality still exists for the closed session minutes for the October 16, 2019; November 22, 2019; December 18, 2019; and January 15, 2020, to be approved and remain closed.

Further, the State Board of Education approves the destruction of all closed session verbatim recordings from September 2017 and prior.

Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and it passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) Climate Survey Change There were no questions from the Board on this item.

Approval of Statewide Evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers There were no questions from the Board on this item.

Approval of the Notice of Funding Opportunity/Request for Proposals for E-rate State Matching Grant Program There were no questions from the Board on this item.


Amanda Elliott, executive director of Legislative Affairs, provided the Board with a legislative update. The House budget hearing was canceled due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Ms. Elliott also discussed the possibility of the legislative session extending in light of the time lost to the COVID-19 crisis.

Ms. Elliott reported on the positive feedback received from the legislative call held previously. Dr. Ayala reported that another legislative call, in addition to town hall meetings and focused stakeholder meetings, are all in the process of being planned.

The Board discussed the ongoing school closures and messaging from the Governor’s Office.


Superintendent/Senior Staff Announcements There were no announcements at this time.

Chair of the Board’s Report There were no announcements at this time.

Member Reports There were no announcements at this time.


ISBE Fiscal & Administrative Monthly Reports Freedom of Information Act Monthly Report





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