
Galesburg Reporter

Monday, December 23, 2024

Galesburg Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met February 10


Galesburg Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met Feb. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order/Roll Call

The Community Unit School District #205 Board of Education met in closed session prior to the regular meeting on Monday, February 10, 2020 at 5:30 PM at 932 Harrison St., Galesburg, IL.

The meeting was called to order by President Cervantez. The roll was read and the following Members responded: Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe (6) Absent: Walters (1) Roll Call #1

Closed Session

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Rodriguez to move to closed session for the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee(s) and pending litigation—5:30 PM. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Hunigan, Lyon, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Phelps, Cervantez (6) Motion carried. Roll Call #2

Member Walters entered closed session at 6:05PM.

Dr. Asplund exited closed session at 6:26PM.

Following closed session, it was moved by Member Walters and seconded by Member Phelps to return to open session—6:46 PM. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #3

Call to Order/Roll Call

President Cervantez stated that the Board was already in open session. On roll call the following Members were present. Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #4

Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance

A moment of silence was observed followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Recognition of Visitors—None

Presentations to the Board

Student Council

Jacara Kelley, student council representative, brought the Board up to speed on events at GHS.

Recognition of Gale Cougarbots

Dr. Sarah Rozny, Gale Elementary Principal, introduced the Gale Lego Cougarbot team and coaches. The Cougarbots made it to state competition and were chosen for the team spirit award.

Recognition of District Staff and Student

Mr. Matt Davis, Food Service Director, and Dr. Sarah Rozny, recognized the efforts of first grade student Sariah Galloway for recognizing a fellow student was choking at lunch and alerting food service staff member, Roberta Johnson. Ms. Johnson was also recognized for responding and performing the Heimlich on the choking student at Gale Elementary last month.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Consider Approval of Minutes:

Monday, January 13, 2020, Regular Meeting

Monday, January 13, 2020, Closed Session

Thursday, January 16, 2020, Special Meeting

Thursday, January 23, 2020, Special Meeting

B. Consider Approval of Payroll and Claims

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Scherpe to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #5 Focus Area #1: Relevant Skills that Lead to Employability

A. Administrative Report on Curriculum

Mrs. Tiffany Springer, Director for Curriculum and Instruction, presented winter benchmark data from Scantron and Aimsweb in addition to her board report. Mrs. Springer pointed out several data points, discussion ensued. Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) work continues identifying interventions and plans of action for students who need interventions.

B. Special Education Report

Ms. Deb Cratty, Special Education Coordinator, attended in Dr. Michaud’s absence.

C. Building Reports—No questions asked Focus Area #2: Facilities That Assist in Skill Acquisition

A. Enrollment Report

Dr. Asplund stated that the District is down 58 students as compared to last year at the same time.

B. Building and Grounds Committee Report

Member Lyon stated they met with representatives from Legat and Russell prior to the board meeting. Concept ideas for the 7-12 campus are being worked on but no decisions have been made yet. Legat presented concept boards for King, Steele and Lombard with color and fabric palettes. There will be a Q &A session at Silas for staff on February 18th. Plans for landscaping the interior courtyards at King, Steele and Lombard are also underway. Dr. Asplund stated that there is a movement in Springfield regarding a committee that is recommending what rules to follow for grant money to be spent on building projects. Dr. Asplund will be attending another meeting this week. The District is in the same position as before when grant money was awarded for projects, the District was left on a list that never received any funds. The District can potentially apply for funds but there is no guarantee any of the money will be granted. Dr. Asplund stated that the District is continuing to seek any funds that are accessible while still continuing the current projects and being flexible for protecting taxpayers.

C. Consider Approval of Renovation/Addition Building Plaques

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Scherpe to approve the bid as presented. Member Walters made a motion to amend the item due to missing the name of a board member. Member Scherpe seconded the amendment. Mrs. Hamm stated the plaques will be placed in each of the new and renovated buildings as dictated by Board policy. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon, Rodriguez, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #6

D. Consider Approval of Galesburg High School Kitchen Bids

It was moved by Member Lyon and seconded by Member Phelps to approve the GHS Kitchen Bids as presented. Mrs. Hamm stated that there were bids for all items. Dr. Asplund stated that administration made the choice to forgo purchasing bakery items at this point. The electrical will be there for the items but in an effort to save funds the District is holding on purchasing the bakery items. Discussion ensued regarding items that won’t be needed in the new set up since there are excess items from building closures. Mrs. Hamm pointed out that Mr. Matt Davis will be reaching out to businesses to sell the equipment the District won’t be using in the future. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #7

E. Consider Approval of Bid Specs for Modular Classroom Electrical Service (Viewable at Board Office Due to Large File Size)

It was moved by Member Scherpe and seconded by Member Phelps to approve as presented. Mrs. Hamm stated that this is the electrical service for the modular classrooms. This is simply to approve going out to bid and in March the actual bids will be brought forward for approval. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #8

F. Consider Approval of YMCA/District 205 Facilities Use Agreement 2019-2020

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Scherpe to approve as presented. Mr. Eric Matthews stated that the agreement has one change, in years prior the agreement dictated specific days of the week for elementary usage and it has been changed so that building principals can dictate what works for their individual buildings rather than being bound by two specific days. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #9

G. Consider Approval to Reject Modular Classroom Plumbing Bids and Approve Rebid of Project

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Scherpe to approve as presented. Mrs. Hamm stated that the lowest bidder did not bid all specifications for the project and so Russell suggested rejecting and rebidding. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Hunigan, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #10

H. Consider Approval of Epoxy Flooring Bid for King

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Scherpe to approve as presented. Mrs. Hamm stated that there was only one bidder for flooring. Epoxy will be used in the bathrooms and kitchen areas at King Elementary. Board questions were answered by Mr. Marbach stating that the cost for the flooring is comparable to other projects despite only having one bid. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #11

I. Consider Approval of Natural Gas and Electric Contract Renewal

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve as presented.

Member Phelps asked when the solar will kick in so that we don’t have to bid electricity. Dr. Asplund stated that the District will always have to purchase electricity. The solar panels won’t be up and running until fencing is around the panels. Dr. Asplund went on to explain the solar process which is a 25% decrease of natural gas and a 20% decrease of electricity. The District is looking at an approximate $58,000 savings between the two. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon (7) Motion carried.

Roll Call #12

Focus Area #3: Responding to the Changing Needs of our Community

A. Consider Approval of Revisions to Policy 5:180 and Policy 2:150 (First Reading)

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the board policies as recommended. Mrs. Hamm stated that the change for policy 5:180 is to insert a line that states once an employee has exhausted all of their paid leave time, the employee is responsible for their insurance premium in full. Mrs. Springer stated that the only change for policy 2:150 is a suggestion from the Code of Conduct Committee removing the words Code of Conduct Committee because that is not the intent of the Parent Advisory Committee. This will return in March for final approval. On voice vote the following Members voted AYE: Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #13

B. Consider Approval of Dell Computer Purchase for Teacher Laptops

It was moved by Member Scherpe and seconded by Member Phelps to approve as presented. Mrs. Hamm stated that this item is for 154 Dell two in one laptops for teaching staff which will replace the remaining dated standing computers in the classrooms. Mr. Rick Lawsha, Director of Technology, answered questions regarding why the District doesn’t go out to bid and explaining how the District is a warranty station for Dell. As a warranty station the District is able to repair the laptops in house and parts are free of charge which makes the turnaround faster. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Hunigan, Lyon, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Phelps (7) Roll Call #14

C. Consider Approval of Dell Computer Purchase for Business Department (Ryner Fund)

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Scherpe to approve as presented.

Mrs. Hamm stated that Mr. Ullrich placed a request to upgrade some of the computer equipment in his room and that a laptop rather than a desktop option was probably best moving forward. The laptops for the business department are more expensive due to the software, memory and speed required for the multimedia classes. Ryner funds will be used for the purchase. On roll call the

following Members voted AYE: Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Lyon

(7) Motion carried. Roll Call #15

D. Consider Approval of One Year Extension of Xerox Agreement

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Scherpe to approve a renewal of a one year Xerox agreement. Mrs. Hamm stated that given the changes within the schools the recommendation is to renew for one year and then once the building changes are complete the District will go out for bid. An extension prevents the District from having to move machines and the liability of damages. Discussion ensued. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #16

E. Consider Approval of 2020-2021 School Calendar (Second Reading)

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Walters to approve “Draft 2” of the proposed school calendars. Dr. Asplund stated that the committee took two proposals back to their buildings and the second draft was the preferred. Institute would be on Friday, August 28, 2020 and first day of student attendance would be on Monday, August 31, 2020. A second Teacher Institute would be held in October, two weeks off at winter break, no full spring break but there would be an emergency day, holiday and a non-attendance day surrounding Easter weekend for families and finally the last day of school providing no need to use emergency days on May 27, 2021 for students and Teacher Institute on May 28, 2021. Discussion ensued. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Hunigan, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez (6) NAY: Lyon (1) Motion carried. Roll Call #17

F. Consider Approval of Knox Warren Special Education Contract

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Scherpe to approve the services contract with Knox-Warren Special Education Cooperative. Dr. Asplund stated that the District is not yet in a position to employ the services. So the recommendation is to contract with KnoxWarren for one more year. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #18

G. Consider Approval of Code of Conduct (First Reading)

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Scherpe to approve the Code of Conduct on first reading as presented. Mrs. Springer answered questions from the Board regarding several items including drug testing and if the cost is worth the results. Ms. Cervantez spoke to what the committee felt, she stated that there is a bigger challenge in the district with illegal and legal prescription drugs and there isn’t a test for that. Mr. Matthews spoke in regards to the actual drug testing. Mr. Houston spoke in regards to the effect of drug testing on students missing class time. Discussion ensued. Dr. Asplund stated that if there are more requested changes the Code will return in March for approval so to let him know prior to the March meeting. The committee’s recommendation is to discontinue drug testing. Member Phelps stated he would like the cost looked into before deciding. President Cervantez stated they could do less tests per month or keep it in the Code. Dr. Asplund stated that they will put the drug testing back in but look at cost effective avenues and doing less tests per month. On voice vote the following

Members voted AYE: Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Lyon (6) NAY: Hunigan

(1). Motion carried. Roll Call #19

H. Discussion of School Fees 2020-2021

Dr. Asplund stated that when breaking down school fees and who is and is not paying and the amount of time it takes to follow up with those who aren’t paying. The recommendation is to essentially eliminate all fees, so that while it would not cost you to register your children or pay fees for sports, the recommendation is to raise elective fees for Drivers Education from $230 to $250 and student parking at GHS from $20/year to $180/year. Discussion ensued. School fees will be brought back with suggestions at the March meeting. Member Lyon asked questions regarding Community Eligibility Program schools and if the high school will become eligible next year or when it becomes a 7-12 campus. Mrs. Hamm and Mr. Davis answered questions.

I. Consider Approval of Trip Requests

It was moved by Member Walters and seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve as presented.

Trips included are Key Club, GHS football summer camp, GHS baseball summer trips, and Churchill student council convention. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #20


A. Consider Approval of Job Descriptions

It was moved by Member Hunigan and seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the job descriptions as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #21

B. Consider Approval of Personnel Report

It was moved by member Scherpe and seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the personnel report as presented. On roll call the following Members Voted AYE: Cervantez, Hunigan, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #22

C. Grievance Update

Dr. Asplund stated that there are no grievances.

D. Report on FOIA Requests

Dr. Asplund stated that there were three FOIA requests made this month. One from Jim Jacobs requesting the 2005-2006 GHS Course book, One from Penn State University requesting the district current and historical boundaries and one from an attorney’s office in New York requesting the current contract with Transfinder and any RFP information from the Transfinder contract.

Board of Education Comments

Comments were made by Members Rodriguez and Hunigan.

Future Agenda Items

Member Phelps requested that discussion regarding the GHS swimming cooperative be brought back next month.


It was moved by Member Lyon and seconded by Member Phelps that the regular meeting be adjourned—9:11PM. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Walters, Cervantez, Hunigan, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #23


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