
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Monmouth City Council met January 6

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City of Monmouth City Council met Jan. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Rod Davies called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 East Broadway at 6:00 p.m. and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


City Clerk Susan S. Trevor called the roll and those answering Present were: Aldermen

Justin Thomas, Tony Cook, Brian Daw, Robert Wells, Juan Pinedo, Dan Heatherly and Alderwoman Mary Kelly Absent: Alderwoman Susan Twomey Also Present: Mayor Rod Davies, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher, City Clerk Susan S. Trevor, City Attorney Marcum Spears, MFD Chief Casey Rexroat, MPD Chief Joe Switzer, Woodard and Curran Public Works Director Andy Jackson, Community Engagement-IT Director Ken Helms and Building and Zoning Director Joe Clark.


A. Approval of December 16, 2019 Public Hearings Minutes for CSO/O&M Plan and Pollution Prevention Plan Minutes

It was moved by Alderwoman Kelly and seconded by Alderman Cook to approve the December 16, 2019 Public Hearings Minutes for CSO/O&M Plan and Pollution Prevention Plan Minutes. AYE: Aldermen Cook, Daw, Wells, Heatherly and Alderwoman Kelly PASS: Aldermen Thomas and Pinedo ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.

B. Approval of the December 16, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderman Wells to approve the December 16, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes. AYE: Aldermen Cook, Daw, Wells, Heatherly and Alderwoman Kelly PASS: Aldermen Thomas and Pinedo ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.


A. Presentations or Citizen Inquiries (all inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per City Ordinance)

Ron Hollis of 333 S. 8th Street addressed the Council regarding junk and debris on property located next to his. He questioned the timeline of response to complaints and offered several suggestions to streamline the process.

B. Proclamation – Big Brother/Big Sister

Mayor Davies read and presented a Proclamation declaring January as National Mentoring Month to Troy Chandler and his “Little Brother”.

C. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Bills

It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Daw to approve the payment of the bills as presented. AYE: Aldermen Thomas, Cook, Daw, Wells, Pinedo, Heatherly and Alderwoman Kelly ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.


A. Building and Zoning December Report – Director Clark

✓ Department is continuing with Rental Inspections and Ordinance violations along with issuing permits for remodeling and new construction.

✓ The final inspection of Parkins trucking by our department and the fire department will be on January 20th at 10:00 a.m.

✓ December 11, 2019 was Natalie Malone’s last day as Code Compliance Officer for the City of Monmouth.

✓ The Y.M.C.A. swimming pool backfill has been completed along with the concrete poured for the zero-grade area of the pool. Work continues on the interior of the bathhouse.

✓ O.S.F. Sterile Processing Department renovation is continuing with the addition of another room.

✓ Midwest Pet Food’s new cold storage facility is scheduled for completion sometime in February.

✓ Arby’s pulled building permits for construction and electrical of their new location at 1125 N. Main Street.

B. Community Engagement Report – IT Director Helms

The City has been looking at new software to allow citizens to register concerns on-line and send pictures with complaints. The software also allows citizens to register complaints anonymously. One example would be to report code or ordinance violations.

U.S. Cellular approached the City with a program that would implement within the City expanded 5G services. This new technology uses small stand-alone cellular antennas about the size of a small television that would be placed on ornamental light poles. U.S. Cellular stated that they would donate the seven ornamental light poles long with paying all the associated electrical and construction costs with the poles. In addition, they will pay the City $600 per pole for a total revenue of $4,200. This would be done with a five-year lease.

C. Woodard and Curran November Report – Director Jackson

Director Jackson updated the Council on the following Public Works projects:

➢ CSO Phase II is under construction.

➢ North Treatment plant project went out for bid on January 2nd with a bid opening scheduled sometime in early February.

➢ Loves Truck Stop plans are with IDOT for permitting.

➢ The City has not received word concerning their CDBG grant for the East Euclid water main project.

➢ The reconstruction of West Harlem will be utilizing Federal money, which requires a number of steps before being granted the money. Some of the first steps will be to enter into a preliminary engineering agreement to have an environmental study done. The project is on the Federal schedule for 2022.

➢ I have been asked to serve on a panel on how to take care of water runoff.

➢ Brian Glasgow, a meter reader for the City for 18 years submitted his resignation effective January 11th.

D. Approval of 2020 Council Meeting Schedule

It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderwoman Kelly to approve the 2020 Council Meeting Schedule as presented. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Wells, Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Aldermen Thomas and Cook NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey MOTION CARRIED.

E. TIF Downtown Building Rehabilitation – 207 North Main Street

Administrator Steinbrecher explained that Tiffany Cole, the owner of the building at 207 N. Main Street, has invested around $300,000 in renovating her building. It is eligible for TIF funds and Administrator Steinbrecher is recommending approval through the TIF Downtown Commercial Building Rehabilitation Program with financial assistance in the amount of $30,000 toward the cost of the required fire sprinkler system and the extension of the water line to this building. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Wells to approve the use of TIF funds in the amount of $30,000 for the above-stated purpose for the 207 North Main Street building. AYE: Aldermen Wells, Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Aldermen Thomas, Cook and Daw NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey MOTION CARRIED.

F. TIF Downtown Building Rehabilitation – 110 East 1st Avenue

Administrator Steinbrecher explained that Becky Shearer, owner of J.B.’s Woodshed located at 110 East 1st Avenue has applied for funds through the TIF Downtown Rehabilitation Commercial Building Program in the amount of $15,000. The Administration is recommending approval of this application. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderwoman Kelly to approve the above-stated request by Ms. Shearer for TIF funds in the amount of $15,000. AYE: Aldermen Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Aldermen Thomas, Cook, Daw and Wells NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey MOTION CARRIED.

G. Façade Grant for 89 Public Square (United Way Office)

United Way Director, Jeannie Weber submitted a Façade Grant application for restoration of the front of the building located at 87 Public Square where United Way will be re- locating. Some of the restoration will include entry/window restoration; historical architectural features restoration; exterior painting; exterior masonry restoration; removal of false front; sign and/or lighting; improvement of closed-over upper windows and upper façade/roof-line restoration. The Administration is recommending the maximum Façade Grant amount of $6,050.00. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Pinedo to approve the maximum Façade Grant of $6,050.00 to United Way for the restoration of 87 Public Square. AYE: Alderman Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Aldermen Thomas, Cook, Daw, Wells and Pinedo NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey MOTION CARRIED.

H. Sale of 2001 Fire Tanker Truck

Administrator Steinbrecher said the Administration is recommending the sale of the City’s 2001 Fire Tanker Truck to Central Warren Fire Protection District for $35,000. The sale funds would be placed in a restricted fund to save for purchasing a new ladder truck. It was moved by Alderman Wells and seconded by Alderwoman Kelly to approve the sale of the 2001 Fire Tanker Truck to Central Warren Fire Protection District for $35,000 and to place the funds in a restricted fund. AYE: Alderwoman Kelly, Aldermen Cook, Daw, Wells, Pinedo and Heatherly NAY: none ABSTAIN: Alderman Thomas ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey MOTION CARRIED.

VII. ORDINANCES A. 2nd Reading

1. 19-038, Amending Chapter 112 “Amusements” to include 112.35, “Video Gaming”

Administrator Steinbrecher explained that at the last Council meeting an amendment was voted on to revise the maximum number of video gaming terminals in each local establishment to be no more than the number that is allowed by the State of Illinois Gaming Board and that the Ordinance being voted on tonight has been revised to state that. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Cook to approve the above-stated amendment to Ordinance 19-038. AYE: Aldermen Thomas, Cook, Daw, Wells, Pinedo, Heatherly and Alderwoman Kelly NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey MOTION CARRIED.

B. 1st Reading

1. 20-001, Rezoning of City-owned Seven (7) Acres on Jackson Avenue 2. 20-002, Rezoning of 1014 West 4th Avenue and 415 South Sunny Lane

It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Wells to approve the above-stated Ordinances 20-001 and 20-002 collectively. AYE: Aldermen Cook, Daw, Wells, Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly and Alderman Thomas NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey MOTION CARRIED.


A. Per Illinois Statute ILCS 120/2 to consider a collective bargaining agreement matter with possible action to follow upon return to Regular Session.

1. It was moved by Alderman Cook and seconded by Alderman Daw to go into Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Wells, Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Aldermen Thomas and Cook NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey MOTION CARRIED.

2. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Daw to return to Regular Session at 6:50 p.m. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Wells, Pinedo, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Aldermen Thomas and Cook NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey MOTION CARRIED.


There was none to consider.


It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderwoman Kelly to adjourn the

January 6, 2020 meeting at 6:50 p.m. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote with the exception of Alderwoman Twomey, who was absent.
