Abingdon-Avon Cusd #276 Board of Education met Dec. 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. The regular meeting of the Abingdon-Avon CUSD 276 Board of Education was held on December 11, 2019. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Brooks presiding. The following members were present: Craver, Quinn, Serven, Hess, Mason, Terwilliger, and Brooks.
2. Public Comments were made by the following:
-Mike Anderson: Asked for clarification on the specifics of a District land sale.
-Mike Anderson Sr.: Addressed the Board in regards to the Tax Levy.
-Jared Quinn: Addressed the Board regarding facilities.
-Missy Roberts: Read two anonymous letters from union members regarding Early out Wednesdays and other professional development concerns.
-Collen Hall: Read two anonymous letters from union members regarding Early-out Wednesdays and other professional development concerns.
3. A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mr. Hess to approve the Agenda. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
4. A motion was made by Mr. Serven and seconded by Mrs. Terwilliger to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
5. Principals Andrews, Weedman, and Anderson presented their monthly building-level Principal Reports.
6. Mrs. MacGregor presented the Curriculum Director monthly report.
7. Mr. Rogers presented the Technology Director report:
8. Superintendent Curry presented the monthly Superintendent Report and discussed the following:
1. Financial Update:
1.1 Fund Balance Update as of Today
1.2 Leadership Matters Article – Dr. Curry noted that the district was a spotlight district in most recent edition of Leadership Matters in regards to how effectively D276 is spending additional Tier Money on student needs.
2. Maintenance Grant Update - Dr. Curry noted the State is opening a 50/50 match for maintenance and repairs -up to $50,000 from each party.
3. Staff Members of the Month for December – Sponsored by Steve's Appliance in Avon, IL- Dr. Curry noted that this information was not available at the time of the meeting.
4. Potential Solar Project - Dr. Curry noted that he had received a second proposal from another vendor and recommended the Board take a look at both proposals before moving forward.
5. Vehicle Updates
5.1 Bids - Dr. Curry noted that Yemm was the low bid and the two vans will cost under $50,000 total.
5.2 Driver Education Car Lease - Dr. Curry noted that the district was not approved for a lease agreement by Toyota Corporation. This was not due to financial concerns. This was based on the premise that Toyota will not lease for student use.
6. New Traffic Pattern at Hedding Grade School Update - Dr. Curry shared the new traffic pattern information that will be sent out via backpacks, and social media.
7. ECRA Partnership - Dr. Curry shared that administration is planning on entering a partnership with a data analysis company (ECRA) with Federal SIG 1003(a) funds. ECRA is an approved SIG 1003(a) provider.
8. Change in Paraprofessional Rules - Dr. Curry noted that Governor Pritzker signed legislation reinstituting the paraprofessional test option for prospective paraprofessional who do not have 60 hours of college credit. This is good news for the district and for career changers.
9. Additional Nursing Position in District - At the request of a Board member, the board discussed the idea of hiring a second full-time nurse.
10. District Improvement Team Meeting Update - Dr. Curry noted that the team met for the first time in December and will be meeting several times over the next 3 months.
11. GCC Contract for updated Emergency Guides - Dr. Curry shared the crisis drill ploy binder with the Board and requested that the Board approve their purchase through GCC.
12. Tax Levy Discussion - Dr. Curry shared the 2019 for 2020 tax levy with the Board. Dr. Curry noted that EAV is a guessing game. The 2019 Levy estimates a 3.28% increase in EAV. Additionally, the 2019 Levy includes safety balloons of 1% in each limited fund. The as necessary funds will see a slight increase of 2.6%. The overall potential increase in the 2019 Levy over the 2018 Levy should fall between 3.35% and 4.24% depending on final EAV numbers.
13. District Holiday Gathering - Dr. Curry noted that Mrs. Ferry is working on the details. Due to athletic events, the gathering may occur after the holidays.
9. A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mr. Serven to go into Executive Session at 8:27 p.m. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
10. A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mr. Mason to return to Open Session at 8:57 p.m. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
11. A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mrs. Terwilliger to approve the December Personnel Report. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
12. A motion was made by Mr. Craver and seconded by Mr. Quinn to approve the 2019 (for 2020) Tax Levy. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, nay. Motion passed.
13. A motion was made by Mr. Craver and seconded by Mr. Mason to approve the GCC Contract. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
14. A motion was made by Mr. Mason and seconded by Mr. Serven to table the Letter of Intent with Keystone Power Holdings. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
15. A motion was made by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mrs. Terwilliger to approve the Bid, as Presented, for New Van(s). Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
16. A motion was made by Mr. Hess and seconded by Mr. Serven to approve a three (3) year Contract Extension for Principal Michelle Andrews. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
17. A motion was made by Mrs. Terwilliger and seconded by Mr. Quinn to approve a Salary Increase of 3% for Maintenance Director, Ronnie Featherlin. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed.
18. A motion was made by Mr. Mason and seconded by Mr. Quinn to Adjourn at 9:03 p.m. Roll call: Craver, yea; Quinn, yea; Serven, yea; Hess, yea; Mason, yea; Terwilliger, yea; and Brooks, yea. Motion passed