City of Monmouth City Council met Dec. 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Rod Davies called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 East Broadway at 6:00 p.m. and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
City Clerk Susan S. Trevor called the roll and those answering Present were: Aldermen
Tony Cook, Brian Daw, Robert Wells, Dan Heatherly and Alderwoman Mary Kelly Absent: Aldermen Justin Thomas, Juan Pinedo and Alderwoman Susan Twomey Also Present: Mayor Rod Davies, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher, City Clerk Susan S. Trevor, City Attorney Marcum Spears, MFD Chief Casey Rexroat, MPD Chief Joe Switzer, IT Director Ken Helms and Building and Zoning Director Joe Clark. Also Absent: Woodard and Curran Public Works Director Andy Jackson
A. Approval of the December 2, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes
It was moved by Alderman Cook and seconded by Alderwoman Wells to approve the December 2, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes. AYE: Aldermen Cook, Daw, Wells, Heatherly and Alderwoman Kelly ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas, Pinedo and Alderwoman Twomey NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.
A. Presentations or Citizen Inquiries (all inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per City Ordinance)
Jeff Stanton, Stanton Insurance owner at 96 Public Square, addressed the Council to ask for some assistance in finding parking solutions for downtown businesses. His customers have a difficult time finding a parking space to come into his business especially when court is in session at the Courthouse. With the addition of new businesses in the downtown area the problem is only going to get worse. Mr. Stanton suggested that perhaps enforcing a parking limit of only 20 minutes or no Courthouse parking might help. He and other downtown business owners would greatly appreciate a solution to their parking problems. Mayor Davies responded that the City is aware of the problem and is working on finding solutions.
B. Consent Agenda
1. Approval of Bills
It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Daw to approve the payment of the bills as presented. AYE: Aldermen Cook, Daw, Wells, Heatherly and Alderwoman Kelly ABSENT: Aldermen Thomas, Pinedo and Alderwoman Twomey NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.
A. MFD November Report – Chief Rexroat
There were 92 calls in November with fewer medical calls than normal.
The training with Roger Blackman from the Water Treatment plant with regards to water supply for larger fires was very successful and the department is going to continue to have Mr. Blackman work with them on a bi-annual or annual basis. The Police and Fire Commission have completed testing for firefighters and have a final list of qualified candidates; however, the list is two people short for being able to replace the department vacancies. The Commission is going to continue with the testing process and hopefully will have qualified candidates to be able to send to the Fire Academy in the Spring.
For the last two years the department has been replacing its portable radios through a grant that it received from the IPRF.
For the month of December, the Department has hung a wreath with red lights as part of the national “Keep the Wreath Red” campaign. If there is a residential fire in the month of December, a light will be changed to white.
B. MPD November Report – Chief Switzer
• There were 44 arrests in November.
• Three Active Shooter trainings were conducted at City Hall, United West Elementary and Junior High and Warren Achievement.
• As Chief, I participated in “Freezing for Food” and gave a safety talk at Warren County Library.
• For staff training, officers are re-training for their taser certification.
A. 19-011, MFT D4 Traffic Signals
B. 19-012, MFT General Maintenance
Mayor Davies explained that the City pays a percentage out of MFT funds for the maintenance of traffic signals and that MFT funds were used for road salt and the street light program, but the original resolution had expired; therefore, new resolutions need to be passed. It was moved by Alderwoman Kelly and seconded by Alderman Wells to approve collectively Resolutions 19-011 and 19-012. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Wells, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly and Alderman Cook NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Pinedo and Thomas MOTION CARRIED.
A. 1st Reading
1. 19-038, Amending Chapter 112 “Amusements” to include 112.35, “Video Gaming”
City Administrator Steinbrecher summed up the revisions to the original ordinance that was presented a month ago and that are based on the discussion from the last Council meeting. The main revisions are as follows:
a) Limit the number of machines in a licensed establishment to 5.
b) Set a fee of $50 per gaming terminal in a licensed establishment to be paid by the local establishment.
c) Set a fee of $250 per gaming terminal in a licensed establishment to be paid by the terminal operator.
After the ensuing discussion, the consensus of opinion was to have the City attorney revise the limitation of 5 gaming terminals to coincide with whatever number the State of Illinois allows and bring the revised ordinance back for a second reading as there were not enough aldermen present to approve an ordinance. It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Cook to amend the presented Ordinance 19-038, B. LICENSE REQUIRED. (1).... to allow whatever number the State of Illinois allows. AYE: Aldermen Wells, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly and Alderman Cook NAY: Alderman Daw ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Thomas and Pinedo MOTION CARRIED.
It was then moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Cook to bring back the amended Ordinance 19-038 for a second reading. AYE: Aldermen Wells, Heatherly, Alderwoman Kelly, Aldermen Cook and Daw NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey, Alderman Thomas and Pinedo MOTION CARRIED.
There was none to consider.
It was moved by Alderman Heatherly and seconded by Alderman Cook to adjourn
the December 16, 2019 meeting at 6:20 p.m. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote with the exception of Aldermen Thomas, Pinedo and Alderwoman Twomey, who were absent.,%202019%20Council%20Meeting%20Minutes.pdf