
Galesburg Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

Knox County Board met Oct. 23

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Knox County Board met Oct. 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Meeting was called to order by County Board Chairman Pamela Davidson and upon roll call the following Members reported present:

District 1 Lyle Johnson

District 2 David Amor

District 3 Pamela Davidson

District 4 Jared Hawkinson

District 5 Ricardo “Rick” Sandoval

District 1 Cheryl Nache

District 3 Tara Wilder

District 5 Brian Friedrich

District 2 John Hunigan

District 3 Kyle Rohweder

District 4 Sara Varner

And those absent:

District 2 Robert Bondi

District 4 Todd Olinger

District 1 Patrick Harlan

District 5 Todd Shreves

Also present were County Treasurer Robin Davis and County Clerk Scott Erickson.

County Clerk Scott Erickson delivered the Proclamation. Chairwoman Davidson led the Members in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. In lieu of a formal invocation, Chairwoman Davidson asked that a moment of silence be observed for our armed service members.

Chairwoman Davidson asked for additions or deletions to the agenda. Member Hawkinson asked that agenda item # 28, approve SmartWatt Plan for Projects to be completed, be removed from this agenda.

Chairwoman Davidson asked for public comments.

Andrew Bowman of Oneida addressed the Board. He had spoken at the last Board Meeting and wanted to continue the positive comments moving forward for a potential wind energy project with Orion Renewable Energy. This will have a positive impact on their school district. This proposed 150 megawatt project will have an immense impact on their school district. His rough calculations are that it would generate approximately $450,000-$500,000 per year for the ROWVA School District alone. Other area school districts, such as Alwood and Galva would also benefit from this project. He was on the team to negotiate the contracts with land owners. They are the first wind energy project in the state to include a bond that would cover delinquent property tax payments. Then if this company were to change hands, the next company might not be as responsible as Orion. They would have the bond money to cover up to two years of property taxes. That would still benefit the County and the school districts as well. He does not know when Orion will be coming to the Board to seek approval for this project. Joe Sornberger, Superintendent of the ROWVA School District, addressed the Board.

They have been trying really hard to right their fiscal path. They are starting a five year building project. Basically the ROWVA School District is 183,000 square miles of corn fields. The school district would welcome anything that would bring additional tax revenue to benefit the school. As this wind farm energy project comes through, the benefits to the ROWVA School District would be immense.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Nache to approve the following items of the consent agenda:

1) minutes of the Regular and Closed Board Meetings on September 25, 2019.

2) claims by Members for per diem and mileage for the meetings of October 2019 and other claims for per diem from meetings, and

3) sales tax and various taxes for the month of July 2019 in the amounts of $116,843.49 and $20,045.13 and public safety tax in the amounts of $186,352.10.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval,

Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(10).



Motion carried.

Chairwoman Davidson presented the Proclamation of Support for Breast Cancer

Awareness Month to be observed during the month of October. A copy of this resolution is included in the packets. Michelle Gabriel, Public Health Administrator of the Knox County Health Department, addressed the Board about the services for breast cancer that are provided at the Health Department. For over twenty years the Health Department has offered these services which are offered to men and women. She noted that men also get breast cancer. They offer both medical services and educational services for breast cancer and cervical cancer.

Motion was made by Member Sandoval and seconded by Member Varner to approve this Proclamation.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Sandoval and seconded by Member Hawkinson to approve the new appointment of Michael D. Landon as trustee to the Galesburg Sanitary District.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval,

Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Nache to approve the settlement agreement for County lawsuits.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Hunigan and seconded by Member Wilder to approve the proposed staffing structure for the Landfill. Information is included in the packets.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder,

Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Member Amor presented the monthly report from the Finance, Insurance, Treasurer, Judicial and Clerk Committee.

The meeting was held October 16th. A copy of the minutes is included in the packets.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Sandoval to approve the Resolutions of the deed of conveyance for PIN-06-20-200-004 and PIN-99-11-276-011. Copies of these resolutions are included in the packets. Member Amor added that this restores these properties to the tax rolls.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Sandoval to approve the Resolution authorizing an additional gate fee to be charged at the Knox County Landfill for the Building Fund. A copy of this resolution is included in the packets. Member Amor stated that these resolutions having to do with the gate fee at the Landfill are done every year as they expire at the conclusion of each year. They do not increase the gate fees from this year’s rate.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache,

Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Hunigan to approve the Resolution authorizing a transfer of a portion of the gate fee to be charged at the Knox County Landfill. A copy of this resolution is included in the packets.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Hunigan to approve the Resolution authorizing an additional gate fee to be charged at the Knox County Landfill for the General Fund. A copy of this resolution is included in the packets.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich,

Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Hunigan to approve the Resolution authorizing the allocation of interest funds earned from certain accounts at the Knox County Landfill to the Special Contingency Fund. A copy of this resolution is included in the packets. Roll call vote to approve the Resolution authorizing the allocation of interest funds earned from certain accounts at the Knox County Landfill to the Special Contingency Fund is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Hunigan to approve the Resolution authorizing allocation of certain gate receipts at the Knox County Landfill to the Special Contingency Fund. A copy of this resolution is included in the packets.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Hunigan to approve the Resolution on the use of the Special Contingency Fund. A copy of this resolution is included in the packets. Member Amor added that this Resolution allows these funds to be used for the Mary Davis Home, the Knox County Nursing Home, the General Fund, and the Building Fund.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Hawkinson to approve to bid and bring back for Alternate Public Defender Contracts. Member Amor explained that each year attorneys are hired for these positions. Chairwoman Davidson added that in order to exercise due diligence the Board should put this out for bid. This will provide opportunities for other attorneys to bid on these contracts.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Nache to approve the Holiday Schedule for the Calendar Year 2020. A copy of the Holiday Schedule is included in the packets. Member Amor added that this Holiday Schedule is set by Judge Vancil, Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit Court. In a lot of the labor contracts this is the holiday schedule that is followed. There have been some changes as Election Day will no longer be recognized as a holiday. However, the number of holidays remains the same.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Sandoval to approve the display of the County Tax Levy for FY 2019-2020. During the month of November, this copy of the Tax Levy and a copy of the Budget FY 2019-2020 will be available online and will be on display in the County Clerk’s Office. Member Amor encouraged residents to look at these documents. There are also comparisons to the previous year. He reported that in general the tax levy has gone down very slightly. In part this is due to the fact that the economy is doing better and there has also an increase in the rate of the EAV. Member Hawkinson stated that the dollar amount of the tax levy is actually decreasing approximately $800,000.

Member Nache also encouraged residents that have questions to look at the levy and the budget.

Member Amor noted that until next month when the Board votes to approve the levy and the budget, changes can still be made.

Roll call vote to approve the display of the County Tax Levy for FY 2019-2020 is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Nache to approve the display of the County Budget for FY 2019-2020. Member Amor extended his thanks to all of the budget managers, officials and directors in all of the offices that worked on this. They began this process earlier than usual this year and were still working up to the last minute to get everything done. The Finance Committee greatly appreciates the many people who were willing to meet with them through the budget process. They cut a little bit out of various lines in the budget. Not only is this a balanced budget but there is a surplus of $63.00. The budget total is $62,319,862. Of the total amount, the tax dollar total is $11,147.74. The remainder to the budget comes from various sources. The County accomplishes a lot with these funds and distributes them to all of the County offices and Departments. Chairwoman Davidson expressed her thanks to the committee and all of those who worked so hard through this budget process. Member Hawkinson reported that they began this budget process with a deficit of $1,600,000. Everybody made sacrifices and people still have jobs.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Member Wilder presented the monthly report from the Nursing Home Committee. This meeting was held October 17th. They are looking at remodeling a wing at the Nursing Home and will be relocating some residents while this work progresses. They hope to get this project completed before January when they begin their preferred network status with OSF. They are trying to avoid layoffs but they don’t have a plan of action right now.

Motion was made by Member Wilder and seconded by Member Johnson to approve an emergency assistance contract with Wipfli for accounts receivable and billing services for the Nursing Home. A copy of this contract is included in the packets.

Member Amor asked how long this contract would continue. Member Wilder respond that she didn’t know. They haven’t hired a business manager yet.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Wilder and seconded by Member Johnson to approve the contract for therapy services at the Nursing Home.

Member Johnson commented that he could personally attest to the quality of their therapy services.

Chairwoman Davidson reported that this is a one year contract. There is a clause in the contract that the Nursing Home can cancel the contract at any time before the conclusion of the year.

Roll call vote to approve the contract for therapy services at the Nursing Home is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Wilder and seconded by Member Nache to approve the contract with Beacon of Hope Hospice.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Wilder and seconded by Member Johnson to approve an increase in the private pay rate from $148 to $168 per day for resident room rates. Member Wilder explained that the Medicare rate for the State of Illinois’s reimbursement rate is being increased to $155 and Illinois rules state that the private pay rate cannot be under that amount. Each year they increase that amount. Even with the Nursing Home increasing the rate to this amount, they are still below or comparable to the rate at other area nursing homes.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Wilder and seconded by Member Johnson to approve the change in food vendor from Cole Foods to Martin Brothers. Information is included in the packets. Member Wilder explained that there are more options available for the residents.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(10).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Wilder and seconded by Member Nache to approve the change in dietary service from Nutrition Analyst to Nutrition Care Systems. Information is included in the packets. Member Wilder stated that current dietician is out of Missouri and works remotely with no interaction with the residents. This really isn’t very effective. This plan would allow a representative to come from Peoria and provide a more hands on approach. There would be no difference in the cost.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(10).



Motion carried.

Chairwoman Davidson commented that as person who has a loved one at the Knox County Nursing Home, she is truly proud of the care that is provided. This facility has a five star rating. She expressed her thanks to the Board Members and the Staff of the Nursing Home.

Member Hawkinson presented the monthly Sheriff, Jail, Mary Davis Home, Animal Control, and Building Committee report. This meeting was held October 14th.

Regarding the Mary Davis Home, there are some structural issues there as when it was built twenty five years ago, expansion joints were not installed. Now there are some large structural cracks. Klingner Associates will have to take care of that. The portable radios for the Sheriff Department that were approved last month have now been delivered. Regarding the roof leak at the jail, Dower’s Roofing has inspected it and can’t find where the leaks are occurring. It should be noted that it wasn’t raining when they inspected it. They will be moving forward with the remediation. SmartWatt did inspect the buildings. There is some confusion about their plans that will have to be cleared up before that project can move forward. The Board really wants local contractors to be performing the work. The committee has asked SmartWatt to provide a list of the projects in the State and in the region that they have completed. This information is included in the packets.

Motion was made by Member Hawkinson and seconded by Member Amor to approve to bid and bring back for building repairs at the Mary Davis Home. Member Hawkinson added that Klingner and Associates have put together documents for the bid project work to address the problems of the cracks in the walls. Some of the doors will also have to be reset. Fire and Safety issues will have to be addressed as well.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(10).



Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Hawkinson and seconded by Member Amor to approve the invoice for bid project work at the Mary Davis Home from Klingner and Associates in the total amount of $12,000. They are hoping to get started by the first of the year. Information is included in the packets.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(10).



Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Hawkinson and seconded by Member Amor to approve to bid and bring back for Courthouse external HVAC protection by Klingner and Associates. Member Hawkinson reminded Members that the past two years they have had problems with the Courthouse HVAC system. Last year some ice fell on some of these units and damaged them. The plan is to build some type of an awning over these units to protect them.

Chairwoman Davidson reported that last year they spent approximately $16,000.00 for temporary covers for these units. They need to come up with a more permanent plan.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Member Hunigan presented the monthly Assessor, Zoning, GIS, Highway Department, Veteran’s, and Landfill Committee report. The report is in the packet. He recapped some of the topics that are included. Regarding the Assessment Office, the assessment notices have been completed and sent to the Register-Mail to be published. The appeal deadline to file this with the Board of Appeals is December 4th. They are still writing their certificates of errors for the 2018-2019 assessment year.

Recently, the Assessor’s Office received a postcard of the old Knox County Courthouse. A former resident of Knox County who now lives in California found it in an antique shop and thought the County would be interested in it. They also received a County Courthouse book with information about all the courthouses in Illinois.

Regarding the Landfill, they are still waiting for the communication tower project to be started. There have been some delays with the vendor. The Landfill Administrator will be taking some time off on medical leave.

Regarding the Highway Department, they were selected by the Illinois Department of Transportation to work with the consultant hired by the Federal Highway Administration to develop a local road safety plan. This plan will identify and analyze some road safety problems within the County. Other news from the Highway Department, Duane Ratermann was elected as President of the Illinois Association of Highway County Engineers. Member Hunigan noted that Mr. Ratermann’s father also was elected to this position in 1988. This is a one year term.

Motion was made by Member Hunigan and seconded by Member Hawkinson to approve the decision on Zoning Board of Appeals Case # ZA-03-19—Request for Zoning District Change from the “A” Agriculture Zoning to “B-2” Highway Business Zoning, for approximately 1.8 acres filed by Bradley Hix, representative for Century 21. Information is included in the packets. Member Hunigan stated that there will be no changes to this business but will allow it to remain in Knox County.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Hunigan and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve the decision on Zoning Board of Appeals Case # CU-11-19—Request for conditional use permit for a tavern, under Section 5.602 (7), in the “B-2” Highway Business Zoning District, filed by William and Donna Holden. Information is included in the packets.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Hunigan and seconded by Member Amor to accept the lowest fuel bids for the Landfill and other County Departments, effective December 1, 2019 through November 30, 2020. A copy of the bid information has been provided to the Members.

Member Hunigan reported that the grand total is $481,456. He noted that this year all of the County Departments were included; the Landfill put out their bid for unleaded diesel fuel, and the Mary Davis home is included as well. They hoped to get a better price. They did save $1,000.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Hunigan and seconded by Member Amor to approve the increase of $1.00 per ton in the tipping fee for all incoming solid waste at the Landfill (effective January 1, 2020).

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Member Amor presented the monthly report from the Knox County Board of Health.

This meeting was held October 10th. Although he was unable to attend this meeting, a copy of the minutes was made available to him. He read aloud highlights of this meeting. There was a brief discussion about the impact of recreational marijuana. They are still trying to gather additional information. In terms of the Treasurer’s report, total expenses for the month of October, 2019, were reported at $118,000.69. It was noted that there is a positive net revenue of $106,222.90 for the period and for the fiscal year, $35,655.28. The Director of Public Health for the State of Illinois is to visit the Health Center October 29th. The Board did approve the fee schedule changes for the revised food safety ordinance. It was announced that the Lion’s Club donated $500 to the Health Center, earmarking those funds for diabetic supplies. The site plan to work on the parking lot has been approved. The Administrator provided a revised copy of their organizational chart. Some new positions have been created.

Member Varner presented the monthly report from the Galesburg Convention and Visitors Bureau. They have formed a new committee as they move ahead toward becoming individual organizations. A director has not yet been hired.

Member Hawkinson presented the monthly report from the 9-1-1 Committee. The meeting for last month was cancelled. They held a Special Meeting October 2nd. Their fund balance is $2,100,000. Some of the rural fire protection districts have aging equipment which can create a lapse in coverage. There will be some changes in leadership as Galesburg Chief of Police, Dave Christianson has retired. Galesburg Fire Chief, Tom Simkins, is also retiring. Sheriff Dave Clague has been appointed vice-chairman of the 9-1-1 committee and will be assisting as needed.

Ken Springer presented the monthly report from the Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development. He spoke of upcoming events. October 30th KCAP will be hosting their Manufacturers’ and Trade Showcase at Galesburg High School. This is an opportunity for high school students to interact with local businesses as eighteen businesses will be participating. This event is open to all of the students in Knox County as well as neighboring counties. They will be bussing students in to attend this event. November 15th, they will be holding their quarterly event and will be discussing the impact of agriculture in our community. Their Knox CEO class is underway and about 1/3 of the way into their year. November 12th, they will be having their fall social at the Orpheum Theatre. The students will be presenting their plans for their businesses. He then introduced a new member of the KCAP Partnership, Noah Olson, who will be serving as client manager.

Member Johnson presented the monthly report from the Prairie Hills Resources Board. He was not able to attend this meeting. He did speak with the director about this meeting. They finally finished one of the big projects they had been working on. This property of 180 acres is close to other properties that they already have. This addition will work out well. Two potential businesses are asking for funding.

Chairwoman Davidson presented the monthly report from the United Council of Counties. This meeting will be held October 26th. Subjects that are to be presented include coming changes in employment laws, the legalization of recreational marijuana, and the related specifics of zoning and taxes. One of the benefits of being members of the United Council of Counties is that no fee is charged for attending these seminars. They underwrite all of the related fees including lodging fees, for County Board Members who choose to attend. This is actually a free event.

Member Amor presented the monthly report from the Western Illinois Regional Council.

This meeting was held October 16th, which was the date of the Board’s Finance Committee Meeting, so he was not able to attend. However, he did receive the packet for this meeting. This was a joint meeting with the Western Illinois Regional Council and the Community Action Center in Macomb. They did apply for funding for the Complete Census Count Project through the State of Illinois, to be the regional hub. They were awarded the maximum grant of $300,000. Galesburg and Knox County is still in the process of getting a Complete Census Count Committee going. As he understands it, funds will be awarded based on the percentage of the population. So actually this area will be one of larger population centers. They would expect to receive $25,000-$30,000 to help support census outreach activities. The goal is to get as high of a turnout as possible. This is crucial that people understand how important this is both for the County and the individual residents.

Member Rohweder presented the monthly report from the Knox County Mental Health 708 Board. He reported that he was not able to attend, but he was informed of the actions taken at that meeting. They were able to approve special funding for the Sheriff’s Department in the amount of $75,000. This will allow inmates to receive an additional 8-10 hours each week to receive mental health services. Sometimes inmates seem caught in the continued cycle of issues and it is great that the 708 Mental Health Board can provide the financial resources to provide counselling to hopefully break this continued cycle. They are moving ahead with their health plan and trying to focus on what the primary purpose of this board is. One of their goals is to improve the application process. Mark Randolph, KCCDD representative, has reported a huge success with the physical fitness machines that grant funding allowed them to purchase.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Hunigan to approve the opening of the budget for line item changes.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan,

Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Proposed line item changes are presented in the packet.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Wilder to approve the proposed line item changes as presented.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Nache and seconded by Member Varner to approve the claims against Knox County, Illinois, for the period of September 26, 2019 through October 23, 2019 (ordering the invoices be accepted and approved and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized and directed to issue County Warrant in payment of the bills.)

Member Nache noted that the Veteran’s Department has again presented a bill for payment that has to do with their ad placement in the special Veteran’s Day insert in the Galesburg Register-Mail. If they want to place their ad, that is fine. However, Knox County taxpayers should not be paying for it. The Veteran’s Department seems to do this every year.

Member Nache and Member Varner agreed to amend the original motion to pay the bills with this exception of this bill from the Veteran’s Department. Chairwoman Davidson also again reminded the Veteran’s Department to submit their bills to the Assessor, Zoning, GIS, Highway Department, Veteran’s, and Landfill Committee. Roll call vote to approve the claims against Knox County, Illinois, for the period of September 26, 2019 through October 23, 2019 (ordering the invoices be accepted and approved and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized and directed to issue County Warrant in payment of the bills, with the exception of the publication in the Galesburg Register Mail is recorded as follows:

Ayes—Johnson, Amor, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Nache, Wilder, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11).


Motion carried.

Statements of General Concern

Member Johnson had no comments at this time.

Member Amor thanked all of those of worked so hard through this budget cycle. He thanked County Treasurer Robin Davis for all of her hard work, the department heads, and members of the Finance Committee who came to more budget meetings than they wanted to attend. He appreciates all their hard work and cooperation.

Member Davidson expressed her appreciation of all the taxpayers and the citizens of Knox County. She wished more residents were in attendance at this meeting. She asked that those who choose to write her a letter, as Chair of this Board, please take the final step and actually sign the letter and include contact information. That would allow her to respond to their concerns. She recently received a letter that was unsigned and she threw it in the garbage as she has no way to contact them. She also thanked the Chair of the Finance Committee and every member of the Finance Committee who attended all of these budget meetings as well as the Chairs of other committees. She also expressed her thanks to County Treasurer Robin Davis. When they all work together they can do great things. There is even a budget surplus of $63.00!

Member Hawkinson commented about the budget and the tax levy. He noted that the EAV increased. When they started working on this budget cycle, there was a shortfall of an astronomical amount of $1,600,000, which is a lot of money. They came up with a budget of a surplus of $63.00! Nobody lost their job. They all worked together.

Member Sandoval had no comments at this time.

Member Nache thanked everyone who was involved in the budget process especially County Treasurer Robin Davis, department heads and elected officials. This was not an easy process and actually they have a little money left over. At the end of the day that is what counts. She thanked everybody.

Member Wilder thanked County Treasurer Robin Davis. She is doing a great job.

Member Friedrich had no comments at this time.

Member Hunigan expressed his thanks to the Finance Committee and County Treasurer Robin Davis for all of their hard work. He also thanked all of the department heads on his committee for always being on time and having their paperwork together. County wide he would like to see them become as paperless as possible. That should be a priority before the next budget period.

Member Rohweder spoke of Knox County’s CEO Program, directed by Ken Springer from the Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development. This is an awesome program in Knox County. Residents should get behind these students and support these civic minded entrepreneurs. In the near future Knox County will be given the opportunity to welcome wind energy to Knox County. The last couple meetings, Andrew Bowman has come to address the Board and has shared his support of wind energy and the revenue it would bring to the ROWVA School District. These projects need to move forward for the betterment of the County.

Member Varner expressed her thanks to everyone who worked so hard thru this budgeting process. They have done a fantastic job.

The next Regular Meeting will be held on Wednesday November 27, 2019, 6:00 p.m., at the Galesburg City Hall Council Chambers, Galesburg, Illinois.

This Meeting was recessed until the next scheduled Meeting of the Board. Open Meeting recessed at 7:40 p.m.




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