City of Galesburg Public Transportation Advisory Commission met Aug. 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
Chairman John Peterson called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kyle Kelley, Josh Kilpatrick, Linda Miller, John Peterson; 4.
OTHERS PRESENT: Kraig McCluskie and Amber Connour, Galesburg Transit; Dedra Mannon, Handivan; Becky Jollay, Associate Planner; Wayne Carl, Director of Planning and Public Works; Robert Connely, Register Mail
A quorum was present.
Items from Chair
Chairman Peterson opened the floor to Wayne Carl to answer questions regarding future rural transit in Knox County. Mr. Carl told the commission about the upcoming, quick turnaround 6-week study funded by the City that will lay out future options for rural transportation and pros and cons for each. Linda Miller asked if the County had named committee members to the MARK Mass Transit District. Mr. Carl confirmed the County’s actions and explained the possible conflict of interest for PTAC members also appointed the MARK MTD Board resulting in letters from the city’s Mayor to John Peterson and Kevin Stone asking them to step down for PTAC. Mr. Carl stated it will be business as usual until something is decided. He told the committee about the upcoming Transit Feasibility Study Kick-off Meeting on August 15, 2019, with the common goal of extending transit service into Knox County. Members of the County Board, City Council, PTAC, along with city and RTAC employees will be in attendance.
Handivan Report
Year to date Handivan has provided around 10,500 rides for residents. The total for residents plus caregivers is 17,200. July has seen 412 new requests for paratransit service in Galesburg mostly from nursing homes. The transit fare is being planned for late October.
Galesburg Transit Report
The summer flash pass, available for $10 to students during the summer months, has seen an increase in usage compared to last summer. Carl Sandburg College riders have increased this summer while Knox College riders have increased. Year-to-date ridership is 14k more than this time last year.
The CSC pilot program was a huge success and Amber Connour asked the Commission to vote on continuing the partnership.
Roll Call #1
Ayes: Kyle Kelley, Josh Kilpatrick, Linda Miller, John Peterson; 4.
Nays: None.
Abstentions: None.
Public Comment
Linda Miller asked about status of the automatic vehicle locator for Galesburg Transit. Kraig McCluskie told the Commission he hopes to have the GPS installed by end of next month for testing.
John Peterson explained he has been asked to step down and this may be his last meeting.
Chairman Peterson thanked everyone for their attendance and contributions. Kyle Kelley moved, seconded by Josh Kilpatrick to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m.