Williamsfield Community Unit School District Board of Education met July 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was held in the Kutkat Conference Room of the administrative offices beginning at 2pm. Public portions of this meeting were live streamed on Youtube. Please click here to view.
1. The meeting was called to order by Board President Stewart.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3. Roll Call was taken. In attendance were Stewart, Kordewick, Tucker, Ingle, Bouchez. Joining via phone was Kutkat. Absent was Howard.
4. There was an opportunity for public comment. None was fielded.
5. Motion by Tucker, second by Kordewick to enter executive session to discuss employment and compensation of specific employees pursuant 5 ILCS 120. All in favor.
6. Motion by Tucker, second by Bouchez to return to open session.
7. Motion by Kordewick, second by Tucker to hire Jess Howard as full-time instructor. Roll call vote: Ingle - no; Bouchez - no; Kordewick - yes; Stewart - yes; Tucker - yes; Kutkat - yes by phone. Motion carried with 4 to 2 vote. Jess will teach elementary special education.
8. Motion by Tucker, second by Bouchez to adjourn.