City of Galesburg City Council met Aug. 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
5:30 p.m. Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance
Approve Minutes from August 5, 2019
Consent Agenda #2019-16
19-2017 Resolution Appointment of Gloria Osborn as City Treasurer
19-2018 Resolution Bank signature authorization
19-4098 Approve Subordination Agreement with Pegasus MFG and First Mid Bank & Trust N.A.
19-4099 Approve Indemnity agreement for Weinberg Arcade Building
19-8015 Bills and Advance
Checks Approval and warrants drawn in payment of same
Passage of Ordinances and Resolutions
19-1015 Ordinance Zoning & taxation of recreational cannabis (First Reading)
19-1016 Special
Ordinance Surplus property ordinance – clay dirt at Transit Facility (First Reading)
19-1017 Ordinance Parking near driveways (First Reading)
Bids, Petitions and Communications
19-3042 Bid Elevator modernization at PSB
19-3043 Bid Carpet replacement at Lakeside
Public Comment
City Manager’s Report
A. TAC Report a.
Miscellaneous Business (Agreements, Approvals, Etc.)
19-4100 Approve Forcible entry door simulator
19-4101 Approve Phone system support
19-4102 Approve Redundant fiber circuit
19-4103 Approve Purchase agreement for parking lot adjacent to Parking Lot M
19-4104 Approve Emergency repair of Hawthorne Pool roof
19-4105 Approve Change order for tree inventory
Town Business
19-9019 Bills
Closing Comments