City of Galesburg City Council met June 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
King called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM.
McKillip made a motion to approve last meeting minutes.
Kelly seconded
Motion carried
A complaint was discussed and an action plan was created.
Grimes made a motion to accept the action plan.
Kelliy seconded
Motion carried
Continued discussion of the racial taboo event.
McKillip placed feedback card is in the system and will run report for the next meeting. 111 attendees at the event; however, everyone did not sign in. 48 wish to participate in follow-up programming
Follow up events were discussed. Book readings, movies such as the American dilemma: education or incarceration, unfiltered conversations about experiences in education with the use of surveys and videos.
Book list needs to be created. Initial ideas included: When affirmative action was white, Blind spots, Tipping point and White Fragility. Please bring book options the next meeting.
Next meeting will be July 10 at 6:30 PM.
Need more people to serve on the commission.
The commissioner gave their individual reports.
Commissioner King reiterated the book idea, discussion, and spoke to the pride picnic event.
Commissioner Grimes mentioned the scholarship reception event
Commissioner McKillip spoke to need for nontraditional clubs offered by U of I extension for six meeting periods to include 5 to 6 kids.
Motion to close meeting by Mckillip.
Seconded by Grimes
Motion passed and carried
Meeting closed at 7:44 p.m.