City of Galesburg 2% Foreign Fire Tax Board will meet on Monday, June 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
6:00 p.m. Roll Call
Approve Minutes of last meeting
Public Comment
19-30 Approve Portable Scene Lights (52, 53 & 56)
19-31 Approve Forcible Entry Training Prop (Training)
19-32 Approve Nomex Hoods (All Personnel)
19-33 Approve Fans (Brooks & Fremont)
19-34 Approve Tool Hangers (Fremont)
19-35 Approve Vacuum (Central)
19-36 Approve Cooking Utensils (Central)
19-37 Approve Speaker (Cardio Room Central)
19-38 Approve Blinds for Windows (Cardio Room Central)
19-39 Approve Come along/lever hoist (52)