Warren County Board met Dec. 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Warren County, Illinois, held at the courthouse in the city of Monmouth, on Wednesday, December 19, 2018, at 9:30 am the following members were present:
PRESENT: Honorable William Reichow
Tim Bresnahan
Dan Byers
Sean Cavanaugh
Tiffany Cole
Dave Greenlief
Steve Hawkins
David Jenks
Michael McVey
Michael Pearson
Mark Richardson
Lyman Schar
William Thompson
Robbie Way
Todd Winkler
ABSENT: John Ockert
CLERK: Tina M. Conard The chair declared a quorum present and the meeting was opened for business.
Mr. Pearson made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2018 Regular Warren County Board Meeting and the December 3, 2018 Re-organizational County Board Meeting. Mr. Jenks seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
There were no changes or amendments to the agenda
A. Jenna Link, Warren County Health Department Administrator, was present and handed out the Warren County Health Department FY2018 Budget and YTD Comparison Report. She also talked about the flu issues and gave an update on the dental clinic.
B. Tim Lobdell, Western Illinois Regional Council Solid Waste Coordinator, was not present but the Regional Collection Facility Data Report was available to everyone at the meeting
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee Meeting for December 11, 2018 and the claims for November 2018. Mr. Hawkins seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the Animal Control Committee Meeting for December 11, 2018, and the claims for November 2018. Mr. Hawkins seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the minutes of the Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting for December 12, 2018, and the claims for November 2018. Mr. Bresnahan seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
RESOLUTION #01-18-19
Legal Counsel for Indigents Agreement Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution. Mr. Bresnahan seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Byers, Cavanaugh, Cole, Greenlief, Hawkins, Jenks, McVey, Pearson, Reichow, Richardson, Schar, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan Nays: None Absent: Ockert The chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Pearson made a motion to approve the minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting for December 11, 2018, and the claims for November 2018. Mr. Jenks seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Pearson made a motion to approve the fee schedule effective January 2, 2019. Mr. Schar seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Cavanaugh, Cole, Greenlief, Hawkins, Jenks, McVey, Pearson, Reichow, Richardson, Schar, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers Nays: None Absent: Ockert The chair declared the motion carried.
RESOLUTION #02-18-19
Execution & Amendment of Downstate Operating Assistance Grant Agreement
Mr. Pearson made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution. Ms. Cole seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Cole, Greenlief, Hawkins, Jenks, McVey, Pearson, Reichow, Richardson, Schar, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh Nays: None Absent: Ockert The chair declared the motion carried.
RESOLUTION #03-18-19
2019 County Board Calendar of Meetings Mr. Pearson made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution. Mr. Thompson seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Greenlief, Hawkins, Jenks, McVey, Pearson, Reichow, Richardson, Schar, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Cole Nays: None Absent: Ockert The chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Way made a motion to approve the Circuit Clerk report for November 2018. Mr. Pearson seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Pearson made a motion to approve the County Clerk reports for October 2018 and FY 2018. Mr. Thompson seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Hawkins made a motion to approve the Treasurer report for November 201
8, and the Annual Report. Mr. Pearson seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Pearson made a motion to approve the Zoning report for November 2018. Mr. Way seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declare the motion carried.
9-1-1 REPORT
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the 9-1-1 report for November 2018. Mr. Cavanaugh seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Reichow commented on the previous night's meeting. There were several other comments regarding the special county board meeting. Mr. Winkler noted that he would like to see a committee created to look at updating the wind ordinance,
Mr. Bresnahan made a motion to adjourn the County Board Meeting. Mr. McVey seconded the motion and on a voice vote the meeting was adjourned until 9:30 am on Wednesday, February 13, 2019.