City of Galesburg Golf Advisory Commission met Sept. 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
Meeting was called to order at 4:00 P
Roll Call: Present: Members: Steve Cheesman, Paul Sandborg, Rodney Bunch, Park Superintendent Don Miles, Director of Parks & Recreation Tony Oligney-Estill
Absent: David Selkirk, Jerry Reynolds, Greenskeeper Matt Miles
Minutes of August 28, 2018 meeting were approved.
Greenkeeper Report:
Park Superintendent Don Miles reported:
● Greens have been core aerified, topdressed with sand and brushed in. Fertilizer and gypsum were applied afterwards.
● Greens were topdressed with sand a second time one week after aerification.
● Greens are being rolled regularly.
● Some ideas for new pass names could be:
o The Par Pass
o The Birdie Pass
o The Eagle Pass
● The First Time member pass could be called:
o The First Time Hole In One Pass
Report was reviewed and accepted.
Golf Professional Report:
Head Golf Professional Bryan Luedtke reported:
● “Cubs vs Cardinals” Two – Person “Super – Ball”
o Rescheduled due to a rain out
o 31 2-Person teams participated
o Great turn out and lot of fun
o $620.00 in merchandise credit paid out
o Continues to be a very popular event
● “All City” Best – Ball
o 19 Teams in the Men’s Division
o 7 Teams in the Senior Division
o Great turn out and a beautiful day
o No ladies teams participated
● Galesburg High School Invitational
o 114 players
o Beautiful day
o We rented every golf cart and borrowed three private carts
o $3,700.00 in revenue along with some practice round revenue
● Upcoming events
o Year – End “Super – Ball”
▪ Saturday, October 6th
▪ 60 players in 2017
▪ A,B,C & D players
▪ The golf shop makes the pairings
● There were 3 rain out dates in September
Passes sold through 7/18/2018. The amount listed for 2017 is for the entire year of 2017.
▪ Regular – 58, down 12 from 2017
▪ Senior – 98, up 9 from 2017
▪ Junior – 12, down 7 from 2017
● In 2017, there was a person that donated 5 passes with the City matching 5 passes. These 10 passes will not be donated this year.
▪ Associate – 10, down 6 from 2017
▪ Family Member – 0
▪ First Time Season Pass – 46, up 19 from 2017
▪ Default – 18, down 22 from 2017
o Total cards sold through 7/18/2018. The amount listed for 2017 is for the entire year of 2017.
▪ 10 Round (9 holes) – 6, down 6 from 2017
▪ 10 Round (18 holes) – 14, down 12 from 2017
▪ 15 Round – NC
▪ 20 Round – 25, up 3 from 2017
▪ Default – 1, down 1 from 2017
Report was reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
● Commission recommended increasing all the daily green fee rates by $2. Commission also recommended adding two additional Junior Tier golf memberships. The current Junior Pass is for people under the age of 19. That price is $125 or $250 including a cart. The next age group is 19-25. Cost for this age group is $200 or $400 with a cart. The final age group is 26-30. Cost for this age group is $250 or $500 with a cart. The regular pass (age 31-64) and the senior pass (65 and older) will not change prices in 2019. The first time season pass will also not change price in 2019.
New Business:
● Rick Clark requested a refund due to an injury. Mr. Clark purchased his pass on May 3, 2018. He requested a refund in writing the week of September 17, 2018. Based on the refund policy which states that refund requests must be made within 30 days of purchase, Mr. Clark’s request was denied.
● Commission talked about revenue and expenses. Currently, Bunker Links is budgeted to cover 75% of expenses with revenue. Administration would like to see this number closer to 80% which means revenues need to increase by approximately $28,000 or decrease expenses by that same amount. Expenses have been cut as much as possible so increasing revenue seems to be the logical decision. Based on 2018 rates, Bunker Links is approximately $145 less that Gibson Woods for an adult pass plus golf cart pass. The commission needs to consider matching Gibson Woods prices in the near future.
Citizen Comments:
● None
Meeting adjourned at 4:48 P.M.