City of Galesburg 2% Foreign Fire Tax Board met Oct. 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Roll Call: Present: Brock Schmitt, TJ Scott, Jake Herbert and Andrew Johnson
Absent: John Connour, Josh Webber and Chief Simkins
Call to order by: Brock Schmitt
Minutes from the last meeting were read by: Brock Schmitt
Motion to approve by: TJ Scott
Seconded by: Jake Herbert
Roll Call: 4-0-0
Old Business:
Account balance: $ 87,531.41
Previous Requests for Expenditures
New Business:
Requests for Expenditures
18-19 Register-Mail $611.85 4-0-0 Approved
18-20 Dummy for Training $1,854.00 4-0-0 Approved
18-21 Repair of Sparky $2,510.50 4-0-0 Approved
18-22 Brooks Street Recliners 0.00 4-0-0 TABLED
18-23 Plymovent 0.00 4-0-0 TABLED
Total Approved: $4,976.35
Public Comment:
There being no further business,Firefighter Herbert motioned, seconded by Firefighter Scott, to adjourn the meeting.